open qoob framework

RESTful php api framework for creating dynamic web applications

open qoob framework

commit history

  • xero <>06/11/14
    d1403947e7 add note about qoob mysqli adapter
  • xero <>06/11/14
    ca57ed07be add new qoob\code\db\mysqli class
  • xero <>10/30/13
    89ba268efd real bugfix for dollar signs in replacement variables in mysql class
  • xero <>09/16/13
    bf5907e31d update to v0.02.01 of newrelic utility (issue #7)
  • xero <>09/16/13
    b77a1d7347 add v0.01.01 of newrelic utility (issue #7)
  • xero <>09/16/13
    74cd85824a add qoob id headers. fix typo in route pattern error handler.
  • xero <>09/15/13
    0f4b8ce52f add conditional statements to benchmark commands (issue #6)
  • xero <>09/15/13
    b513c50a93 open qoob 2.01.00 release. update README and doc comment formatting in core qoob class.
  • xero <>09/15/13
    212f3e7cd6 update utilities to use new config autoload method (closes #4).
  • xero <>09/15/13
    db64cbee09 update core qoob class config method to autoload classes via the config file (issue #4). update config file to use it.
  • xero <>09/10/13
    ae2eb8c2cb update README
  • xero <>07/11/13
    9398cdfd5e add checks in core\db\mysql destructor for is the db instance is both set and a resource before closing it.
  • xero <>06/30/13
    9c46c15ef8 update qoob/core/db/mysql sanitize function to add the suggested escape sequence to fix dollar signs ($) in mysql values to be pregreplaced (closes #5).
  • xero <>06/30/13
    be29a49b64 update core qoob error handling to catch all errors, including in dynamically loaded classes (closes #3).
  • xero <>06/11/13
    2f6c024227 update to qoob\core\db\mysql query type detection to only look for the select keyword at the start of the query (so subqueries will not fool it).
  • xero <>06/11/13
    a2cfdcb603 update qoob\core\db\mysql count variable to use num_rows() if a query is a select or affected_rows() otherwise.
  • xero <>05/07/13
    ee8de22ddc update the README with new template example. upped the version number of the stache.
  • xero <>05/07/13
    196ccf70c7 add default empty array in the qoob\core\view\stache class. this allows you to use templates that need no replacements without passing an empty array to the render function.
  • xero <>05/03/13
    d3fc9e2cf6 updated getIP method to same logic updated in the XBD class.
  • xero <>05/03/13
    6580114f75 updated ip address detection to use getenv as opposed to _server, and added logic for x_forwarded_for addresses.
  • xero <>05/02/13
    4a047860a3 update qoob error handler server error output removal.
  • xero <>05/02/13
    3346941673 update qoob autoload method to support classes with or without namespaces.
  • xero <>05/01/13
    d1d1612643 updated the qoob parseRoutes method to strip off querystrings from the REQUEST.uri variable.
  • xero <>05/01/13
    4cc57fd994 fix typo in README
  • xero <>05/01/13
    cd02807355 update the app\test->modelTest to match the new mySQL features. update the README with a new example of retrieving the number of effected rows from a query.
  • xero <>04/30/13
    a0d830dc09 update qoob\core\db\mysql for correct handling of mysql_num_rows. updated examples in codeModel. moved qoob error handler stats->mine function to after error logging, just in case ;D
  • xero <>04/30/13
    f431b1a392 remove unnecessary testing javascript class.
  • xero <>04/30/13
    0fd18be5a6 update README with more mySQL examples.
  • xero <>04/30/13
    94b12ae245 update README with new database info.
  • xero <>04/30/13
    b6ad9921e2 add statistic mining to the qoob. three new utilities were added: XBD, geoip, and stats. the XBD class mines data about the browser, geoip mines the country of origin data from the ip address, and the stats class takes all this information and adds info about the qoob request (uri, verb, status code, date/time, etc) and saves it all in the database. the geoip class is released open source by maxmind llc (see credits.txt for details), XBD is released open souce by nopticon.
  • xero <>04/30/13
    21b0a47f55 update qoob\core\db\mysql class with new keepAlive variable (default = false). if set to true the mysql connection will not close on class destruction. this is helpful for reusing mysql classes (or extended classes, e.g. models) in multiple files.
  • xero <>04/19/13
    f22584ed5c update to qoob/core/db/mysql class for more logical query replacement syntax. use :var_name in your sql query and simply var_name in your replacement array. this matches the stache template syntax.
  • xero harrison <>04/13/13
    57c52c3dd5 add README and app example of routing with static methods.
  • xero harrison <>04/13/13
    23f63109c2 update the README and increment the stache version number.
  • xero harrison <>04/13/13
    8cb0d8f86a simplify some logic in qoob\core\view\stache
  • xero harrison <>04/13/13
    de948faf7d simplify some logic in qoob\core\view\stache
  • xero harrison <>04/13/13
    58a58287dc update README docs for new {{@unescaped_required}} stache variables.
  • xero harrison <>04/13/13
    ee027a215b update README docs for new {{@unescaped_required}} stache variables.
  • xero harrison <>04/13/13
    559c24ecbd update qoob\core\view\stache to take data values without template prefixes. also full error handling of required/unescaped required variables. updates to supporting test file.
  • xero harrison <>04/13/13
    4136bc535f add required unescaped variable types to qoob/core/view/stache templates. updates to supporting test files.
  • xero <>04/05/13
    e54b05cbbd update the core qoob class for better error handling of regular, exception, and fatal errors. improve log formatting with update to logz v1.42. set default debugging off, and only calcuate/display the benchmarks if debug is true.
  • xero <>04/04/13
    f7c6253444 update the README to explain request variables. increment qoob sub-version number.
  • xero <>04/03/13
    2de1f5e1d3 add the parseRequest method to the qoob for getting request arguments from the correct protocol for the given http verb. these values are merged with the uri arguments array and passed to the callback handler.
  • xero <>04/03/13
    7233df2394 update qoob\utils\benchmark combine two error checks into one.
  • xero <>04/03/13
    e65acac294 update qoob\utils\benchmark class to force microtimes as floats for less calculation time.
  • xero <>04/03/13
    cd7261c687 update the README with more examples.
  • xero <>04/03/13
    1f09e044e2 update the README with more generic examples and a better disclaimer.
  • xero <>04/02/13
    576d5a9171 update README (fix typos).
  • xero <>04/02/13
    58eae58f9a update the qoob\core\db\mysql class to use a single (auto-formatting) array for replacements. update the example model and the README.
  • xero <>04/02/13
    a80ddf211e update qoob\core\db\mysql query function to auto format the find array to add the slashes for you. this will create a more logical syntax for users.
  • xero <>04/02/13
    112be3b319 update the README to add menu link for stache templating.
  • xero <>04/02/13
    475a42f7a8 update README with more stache template examples.
  • xero <>04/02/13
    9b737d677f update the README (fixes typo).
  • xero <>04/02/13
    b31aac2ca7 update the README with mustache template infomation.
  • xero <>04/02/13
    cf15b7f32e add qoob/core/view/stache class as a simple mustache style template rendering engine. this is not fully featured *yet*, but works well for now. add a templateTest route and method to app\test. also adds a new UI directory to house html templates, css, js, images, icons, etc.
  • xero harrison <>03/30/13
    04d9769f42 updated to the newest version of logz. added error and benchmarking logz to the qoob.
  • xero harrison <>03/30/13
    83eb63c7ed refactor the qoob to be more namespace aware. prototype models by extending the mysql class. renamed user workspace from api to app.
  • xero harrison <>03/30/13
    1c24677c43 add the logz utility class for working with log files (see:
  • xero harrison <>03/30/13
    d703dbbac7 add database test route and method in the test class.
  • xero harrison <>03/30/13
    61cf01c4e1 add the asciiOnly variable to the mysql class. if set to true it allow only ascii characters in sql queries, false will allow all printable characters.
  • xero harrison <>03/30/13
    131113b18c fix to qoob class autoloading. add mysql open qoob v1.x database adapter class.
  • xero harrison <>03/30/13
    e252f352d8 fix rookie logic error for loading classes.
  • xero <>03/13/13
    f8c5d69041 add a README with the current DOCS.
  • xero <>03/13/13
    d4dacafe97 add config method for loading php ini files into the library. changes older library calls to use pseudo namespaces in style notation. sections in INI files will become a second level namespace in syntax. current library namespaces are CLASS, CONFIG, QOOB, and REQUEST.
  • xero <>03/13/13
    9f8900321e add header status codes to error handling logic. exceptions thrown with a default 0 are forced to 500. add exception when trying to load a class that does not exist.
  • xero <>03/13/13
    8fdd85997e fix .gitignore logic error with the tmp directory.
  • xero <>03/13/13
    71fae2c147 prototype error and exception handling. currently displays full errors and context. refactors generic framework errors as constants. add http header codes to rfc2616 specification as headers to use used by the status function.
  • xero <>03/13/13
    ace3400c19 add optional request method to route patterns. modern frameworks are using the http_x_requested_with header for identifying ajax calls. add [sync] or [ajax] to routes to identify and handle requests differently in the synchronous or asynchronous context.
  • xero <>03/12/13
    bfea5c4c0f add routing features to the qoob. call the route function with a pattern and a handler to add routes. call parse routes to mine the pattern against the requesting uri. if a match is found the call method will use the supplied handler as a closure function or use it as a class method reference.
  • xero <>03/12/13
    1238c59915 initial version 2.001 of the open qoob framework. the core class is a singleton that can auto-load other classes into itself in a namespace aware manner. the library is a singleton with only static methods used to store and catalogue data.
  • xero <>03/12/13
    190e33663a git, please ignore common operating system files and logs. thanx.


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