# super garlicboy a [garlic os](https://www.patreon.com/posts/garlicos-for-76561333) theme for the [rg35xx](https://amzn.to/3OEKSaj) handheld emulation console based on the dmg gameboy color palette. trying to capture that retro-futurist portable arcade aesthetic we were promised. <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/title.png?raw=true"> ## contents * __[super garlicboy](#super-garlicboy)__ * [previews](#previews) * [dmg inspired color palette](#dmg-inspired-color-palette) * [rad wallpapers](#rad-wallpapers) * __[download](#download)__ * __[install](#install)__ * [theme](#theme) * [boot logo](#boot-logo) * [retroarch colors](#retroarch-colors) * __[device setup](#device-setup)__ * [bios](#bios) * [roms](#roms) * __[meta](#meta)__ * [origin story](#origin-story) * [credits](#credits) * [license](#license) --- ## previews <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/menu-game.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/consoles-1.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/recents-tetris.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/menu-faves.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/menu-retro.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/retroarch.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/apps-search.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/settings.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/consoles-2.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/bootlogo.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/quick-menu.png?raw=true" width="350" height="350" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/overlays.png?raw=true" width="350" height="350"> sorry some of these are photos of the actual console --- ## dmg inspired color palette <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/dmg-colors.png?raw=true"> photoshop adobe color tables: `#4d533c` `#8b956d` `#9a9e3f` `#c4cfa1` [dmg-limited.act](https://github.com/xero/superGarlicboy/raw/main/colors/dmg-limited.act) `#1b2a09` `#1f1f1f` `#0e450b` `#496b22` [dmg-full.act](https://github.com/xero/superGarlicboy/raw/main/colors/dmg-full.act) ## rad wallpapers <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/main/skin/background.png?raw=true"> [centered version](https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/main/skin/background-center.png?raw=true) [widescreen version](https://github.com/xero/superGarlicboy/blob/main/skin/background-wide.png?raw=true) # download https://github.com/xero/superGarlicboy/archive/refs/heads/main.zip # install this theme is for garlic os, so it assumes you have already installed it. otherwise, [follow the official guide here](https://www.patreon.com/posts/garlicos-for-76561333). ## theme copy the the `skin`, `font`, and `lang` folders to your `ROMS` partition under `/CFW/skin/` ## boot logo copy the `boot/boot_logo.bmp.gz` file to the root of your `MISC` partition ## retroarch colors copy the `retroarch/garlic.cfg` file to your `ROMS` partition under `/CFW/retroarch/.retroarch/assets/rgui` to enable it: launch retroarch's settings, then select `User Interface` -> `Appearance` -> `Menu Color Theme` -> `Custom` then under `Custom Menu Theme` select `garlicboy` # device setup in this section of the guide i will suggest further optional device setup. ## bios think of bios files as `{retroarch,the emulator}`'s implementation of the game console's firmware. [download the bios files](https://archive.org/details/bios_RG353) for all compatible consoles, built for this device's chipset. then copy them into your `ROMS` partition under `BIOS` ## roms roms are the contents of the game cartridge's memory, containing all the actual game data. if you're lazy you can grab the "tiny best set go" and it's extra's to get a ton of good working games up and running quickly. * [base set w/ most home consoles](https://archive.org/details/tiny-best-set-go) * [expanstion with ps1](https://archive.org/details/tiny-best-set-go-extra-unofficial) * [arcade expanstion](https://archive.org/details/tiny-best-set-go-arcade-update_202305) but a better idea is to search the full console sets, and just grab the individual games you want. here's a list of known good "no intro" set's for most of the major consoles. these are the roms i personally use. * [arcade](https://archive.org/details/MAME2003_Reference_Set_MAME0.78_ROMs_CHDs_Samples) * [dreamcast vmu](https://archive.org/details/segavmu) * [game gear](https://archive.org/details/nointro.gg) * [gameboy advance](https://archive.org/details/nointro.gba) * [gameboy color](https://archive.org/details/nointro.gbc-1) * [gameboy](https://archive.org/details/nointro.gb) * [nintendo nes](https://archive.org/details/nointro.nes) * [pico 8](https://archive.org/details/picowesome-v1.3) * [sega genesis](https://archive.org/details/nointro.ms-mkiii) * [sega megadrive](https://archive.org/details/nointro.md) * [super nintendo](https://archive.org/details/nointro.snes) to browse the archive's contents, from the sidebar choose: `download options` > `show all` once downloaded (there's no need to unzip individual rom files), they can be organized under the appropriate console folder name in the `ROMS` directory of your `ROMS` partition. for help, consult the [roms folders quick reference guide](https://onionui.github.io/docs/emulators/folders). # meta ## origin story i love customizing my stuff. after creating my dmg colorscheme for retroarch, i wanted to use it all over my retro console. the [onionboy hd theme](https://rg35xx.com/en/customization/garlicos-themes/) i was already using was pretty awesome, but much of the pixel art was catered to the miyoo mini. i started making small edits. changing onions to garlic and "mini" to "double x", all while subtly adjusting the colors. after a bit, i started hating the text on the main menu. so i resized and positioned all the images and removed the names. the game console icon set is one of the most popular you find in retroarch packs, because it's awesome. it's been curated by many talented artists. i updated pico 8 to the proper fantasy console artwork from the manual and did some other hatchet work to make them fit my theme's highlighting and personal taste. then created some more icons for the file manager, rom seach, and terminal apps i use. next i updated the gradient overlays to a dithered pixilated style and colors. and updated the d-pad navigation icon to look more nintendo-esque. finding the perfect wallpaper to match the vibe was a challenge. but i eventually typed "outrun pixel" into big-g and found a real gem. [the image](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8fc2f0787a39cfa8032c98986578fa78/tumblr_p8f7umWoYS1tlcqgyo1_1280.png) was freely released so i demixed it, lowering the color count and adjusting it to my dmg palette, adding new dithering effects, and a few subtle layout tweaks. the author even said she dug it [on x](https://x.com/mentalpoppixels/status/1755033910285611313?)! finally, to round the whole thing off, a custom garlic boot logo. ## credits super garlicboy theme by xero * https://0w.nz * https://x-e.ro * https://xero.style _but it's based on lots of other peoples amazing work!_ main menu icons based off onionboy hd by jeltron * https://pocketpixels.club/@Jeltron * https://github.com/OnionUI/Themes/tree/main/themes/Onionboy%20HD%20by%20Jeltron wallpaper is a demix of outrun pixel by mentalpoppixels * https://twitter.com/mentalpoppixels * https://tmblr.co/Z3iLXm2XnqbAH icons are a modified version of the set by vidnez: * https://github.com/Vidnez/retro-systems-icons-for-GarlicOS which is based on the ruckage snes mini set * https://github.com/ruckage/es-theme-snes-mini which was later expanded by mahare * https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/12583/snes-mini-theme/899u * https://reddit.com/r/EmulationOnAndroid/comments/fxd2w9/dig_front_end_theme_minimix_10/ interface font is 04b-03 by 04jp * https://dafont.com/04b-03.font * http://04.jp.org ## license **CC0 1.0 Universal / Public Domain** since all of this is made from community freeware, i release mine in the spirit of kopimi as well! --- ## box art also available checkout my [boxart repo](https://github.com/xero/boxart) for pre-scraped images, perfectly sized and styled for the double xx. it contains individual complete sets for most home and portable consoles (nes, snes, gba, ect), full arcade stylized mame, system apps, and lots more! <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-nes.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-arcade.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-gb.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-gbc.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-gg.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-32x.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-md.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-md2.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-segacd.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-psx.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-neogeo.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-pce.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-pico.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-gba.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-sfc.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260" align="left"> <img src="https://github.com/xero/garlicboy/blob/previews/img/systems-sfchax.png?raw=true" width="346" height="260">