#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require('fs').promises; const path = require('path'); var charmap,str=''; for(var v of process.argv.splice(2,process.argv.length-1)) { str+=" "+v; } const walk = async (dir, filelist = []) => { const files = await fs.readdir(dir); for (file of files) { const filepath = path.join(dir, file); const stat = await fs.stat(filepath); if (stat.isDirectory()) { filelist = await walk(filepath, filelist); } else { if(file.match(/.*json$/)) { filelist.push(file); charmap = require(__dirname+`/lib/${file}`); console.log( file.replace(".json", "").padEnd(15)+ str.replace(/./g, function (s) { if(s in charmap) { return charmap[s] } else if (s.toLowerCase() in charmap) { return charmap[s.toLowerCase()] } else if (s.toUpperCase() in charmap) { return charmap[s.toUpperCase()] } else { return s } }) ) } } } } walk(__dirname+'/lib');