legacy open qoob cms

a content management system built with the open qoob framework


 * loremIpsum
 * Lorem Ipsum is non-sense, placeholder text used in publishing and design. 
 * It allows the developer to see their work completely populated with text, 
 * without having to actually create the text.
 * generates content in three modes: plain, HTML (content blocks nested in <p> tags), 
 * and text (plain text in paragraph form). sentences are punctuated and vary in length 
 * based on statistics collected here: http://hearle.nahoo.net/Academic/Maths/Sentence.html. 
 * sentence length will vary on a Guassian distribution. HTML output is 'clean-code' 
 * formatted with tabs and new lines rather than just blobs of code.
 * released open-source under the BSD License
 * see <http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php>.
 * @author Mathew Tinsley <tinsley@tinsology.net> http://tinsology.net/scripts/php-lorem-ipsum-generator/
 * @version 1.0
 * @package qoob
 * @subpackage utils
 * @category place holder
class loremIpsum {
	private $words, $wordsPerParagraph, $wordsPerSentence;
	function __construct($wordsPer = 100)
		$this->wordsPerParagraph = $wordsPer;
		$this->wordsPerSentence = 24.460;
		$this->words = array(
		'cras' );
	 * get content function
	 * returns the desired amount of content as a string.
	 * @param int $count word count
	 * @param string $format the return type (html, txt, or plain)
	 * @param boolean $loremipsum if true, start the text with lorem ipsum
	 * @return mixed string|html
	public function getContent($count, $format = 'html', $loremipsum = true)
		$format = strtolower($format);
		if($count <= 0)
			return '';

			case 'txt':
				return $this->getText($count, $loremipsum);
			case 'plain':
				return $this->getPlain($count, $loremipsum);
				return $this->getHTML($count, $loremipsum);
	private function getWords(&$arr, $count, $loremipsum)
		$i = 0;
			$i = 2;
			$arr[0] = 'lorem';
			$arr[1] = 'ipsum';
		for($i; $i < $count; $i++)
			$index = array_rand($this->words);
			$word = $this->words[$index];
			//echo $index . '=>' . $word . '<br />';
			if($i > 0 && $arr[$i - 1] == $word)
				$arr[$i] = $word;
	private function getPlain($count, $loremipsum, $returnStr = true)
		$words = array();
		$this->getWords($words, $count, $loremipsum);
		$delta = $count;
		$curr = 0;
		$sentences = array();
		while($delta > 0)
			$senSize = $this->gaussianSentence();
			//echo $curr . '<br />';
			if(($delta - $senSize) < 4)
				$senSize = $delta;

			$delta -= $senSize;
			$sentence = array();
			for($i = $curr; $i < ($curr + $senSize); $i++)
				$sentence[] = $words[$i];

			$curr = $curr + $senSize;
			$sentences[] = $sentence;
			$output = '';
			foreach($sentences as $s)
				foreach($s as $w)
					$output .= $w . ' ';
			return $output;
			return $sentences;
	private function getText($count, $loremipsum)
		$sentences = $this->getPlain($count, $loremipsum, false);
		$paragraphs = $this->getParagraphArr($sentences);
		$paragraphStr = array();
		foreach($paragraphs as $p)
			$paragraphStr[] = $this->paragraphToString($p);
		$paragraphStr[0] = "\t" . $paragraphStr[0];
		return implode("\n\n\t", $paragraphStr);
	private function getParagraphArr($sentences)
		$wordsPer = $this->wordsPerParagraph;
		$sentenceAvg = $this->wordsPerSentence;
		$total = count($sentences);
		$paragraphs = array();
		$pCount = 0;
		$currCount = 0;
		$curr = array();
		for($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++)
			$s = $sentences[$i];
			$currCount += count($s);
			$curr[] = $s;
			if($currCount >= ($wordsPer - round($sentenceAvg / 2.00)) || $i == $total - 1)
				$currCount = 0;
				$paragraphs[] = $curr;
				$curr = array();
		return $paragraphs;
	private function getHTML($count, $loremipsum)
		$sentences = $this->getPlain($count, $loremipsum, false);
		$paragraphs = $this->getParagraphArr($sentences);
		$paragraphStr = array();
		foreach($paragraphs as $p)
			$paragraphStr[] = "<p>\n" . $this->paragraphToString($p, true) . '</p>';
		//add new lines for the sake of clean code
		return implode("\n", $paragraphStr);
	private function paragraphToString($paragraph, $htmlCleanCode = false)
		$paragraphStr = '';
		foreach($paragraph as $sentence)
			foreach($sentence as $word)
				$paragraphStr .= $word . ' ';
				$paragraphStr .= "\n";
		return $paragraphStr;
	* Inserts commas and periods in the given
	* word array.
	private function punctuate(& $sentence)
		$count = count($sentence);
		$sentence[$count - 1] = $sentence[$count - 1] . '.';
		if($count < 4)
			return $sentence;
		$commas = $this->numberOfCommas($count);
		for($i = 1; $i <= $commas; $i++)
			$index = (int) round($i * $count / ($commas + 1));
			if($index < ($count - 1) && $index > 0)
				$sentence[$index] = $sentence[$index] . ',';
	* Determines the number of commas for a
	* sentence of the given length. Average and
	* standard deviation are determined superficially
	private function numberOfCommas($len)
		$avg = (float) log($len, 6);
		$stdDev = (float) $avg / 6.000;
		return (int) round($this->gauss_ms($avg, $stdDev));
	* Returns a number on a gaussian distribution
	* based on the average word length of an english
	* sentence.
	* Statistics Source:
	*	http://hearle.nahoo.net/Academic/Maths/Sentence.html
	*	Average: 24.46
	*	Standard Deviation: 5.08
	private function gaussianSentence()
		$avg = (float) 24.460;
		$stdDev = (float) 5.080;
		return (int) round($this->gauss_ms($avg, $stdDev));
	* The following three functions are used to
	* compute numbers with a guassian distrobution
	* Source:
	* 	http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php#53784
	private function gauss()
	{   // N(0,1)
		// returns random number with normal distribution:
		//   mean=0
		//   std dev=1
		// auxilary vars
		// two independent variables with normal distribution N(0,1)
		// i will return only one, couse only one needed
		return $u;

	private function gauss_ms($m=0.0,$s=1.0)
		return $this->gauss()*$s+$m;

	private function random_0_1()
		return (float)rand()/(float)getrandmax();



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