legacy open qoob cms

a content management system built with the open qoob framework


	function urlInflector() {
				var str = $("#txtURL").val();
				if(str != "") {
						type: "POST",
						url: "<?=QOOB_DOMAIN; ?>backdoor/ajax/",
						data: "action=inflection&type="+$("input:radio[name=inflection]:checked").val()+"&str="+str,
						cache: false,
						success: function(html){
							$("#URLexample").html("<?=QOOB_DOMAIN; ?>"+html);
			function verify() {
				var themessage = "";
				if (document.addRepo.txtRepo.value=="") {
					themessage += "You must specify a repo location! <br/>";
				if (document.addRepo.txtName.value=="") {
					themessage += "You must specify a repo name! <br/>";
				if (document.addRepo.txtDescription.value=="") {
					themessage += "You must specify a short description! <br/>";
				if (document.addRepo.txtReadMe.value=="") {
					themessage += "You must specify some content! <br/>";
				if (document.addRepo.theRealURL.value=="") {
					themessage += "You must specify a page URL! <br/>";
				if (document.addRepo.theRealURL.value=="error") {
					themessage += "You have an error in your URL! <br/>";

				if (themessage == "") {
				} else {
					$("#formErrors").html('<div id="formErrors"><div class="err"><div class="bubble"><h3>Error!</h3>'+themessage+'</div></div></div>');
					return false;


raw zip tar