(function($) { $(document).ready(function(){ //---load categories getCats(); //---load tags getTags(); //---init calendar $('#txtDateTime').datepicker({ duration: '', showTime: true, constrainInput: false }); //---run url check urlInflector(); //---setup post options toggleDate(''); }); })(jQuery); function urlInflector() { var str = $("#txtURL").val(); if(str != "") { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "backdoor/ajax/", data: "action=inflection&type="+$("input:radio[name=inflection]:checked").val()+"&str="+str, cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#URLexample").html("blog/"+html); $("#theRealURL").val(html); } }); } } function tagCatInflector(callback) { str = $("#"+callback).val(); if(str != "") { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "backdoor/ajax/", data: "type=underscore&str="+str+"&action=inflection", cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#"+callback).val(html); } }); } } function getCats() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "backdoor/ajax/", data: "action=getCategories", cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#blogCat").html(html); setupBMS(''); } }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "backdoor/ajax/", data: "action=getCategories&type=new", cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#newBlogCat").html(html); } }); } function setupBMS(cats) { if(cats) { cats = cats.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) { $('#selMainCat option[value="'+cats[i]+'"]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } } $("#selMainCat").bsmSelect({ title: 'Select Categories', removeLabel: 'X', showEffect: function($el){ $el.fadeIn(); }, hideEffect: function($el){ $el.fadeOut(function(){ $(this).remove();}); }, plugins: [$.bsmSelect.plugins.sortable()], highlight: 'highlight', addItemTarget: 'original' }); } function addCat() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "backdoor/ajax/", data: "name="+$("#txtCatName").val()+"&url="+$("#txtCatURL").val()+"&parent="+$("#selNewCat").val()+"&action=addCategory", cache: false, success: function(html){ if(html=="success") { alert('Success!\nNew category created.'); clearForm("cats"); closeForm("cats"); getCats(); } else if(html=="used") { alert('Error!\nThat category already exists.'); } else if(html=="missing") { alert('Error!\nMissing required fields.'); } else { alert('Error?\n'+html); } } }); } function getTags() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "backdoor/ajax/", data: "action=getTags", cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#tagCloud").html(html); initTags(''); } }); } function addTag() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "backdoor/ajax/", data: "name="+$("#txtTagName").val()+"&url="+$("#txtTagURL").val()+"&action=addTag", cache: false, success: function(html){ if(html=="success") { alert('Success!\nNew tag created.'); clearForm("tags"); closeForm("tags"); getTags(); } else if(html=="used") { alert('Error!\nThat tag already exists.'); } else if(html=="missing") { alert('Error!\nMissing required fields.'); } else { alert('Error?\n'+html); } } }); } function tagit(tag) { var tags = $("#txtTags").val(); tags = tags.split(','); //prune null elements tags = $.grep(tags,function(n){ return(n); }); if(jQuery.inArray(tag, tags) > -1) { tags.splice(tags.indexOf(tag), 1); $("#tag"+tag).css("color", "#ccc"); $("#tag"+tag).css("border-bottom", "none"); } else { tags.push(tag); $("#tag"+tag).css("color", "#fff"); $("#tag"+tag).css("border-bottom", "1px solid #52BB4A"); } tags.join(','); $("#txtTags").val($.trim(tags)); } function toggleDate(what) { switch(what) { case "date": $("#pickDate").fadeIn(); break; default: $("#pickDate").fadeOut(); break; } } function openForm(what) { switch(what) { case "cats": $("#blogCats").fadeOut(); $("#newCats").fadeIn(); break; case "tags": $("#blogTags").fadeOut(); $("#newTags").fadeIn(); break; } } function closeForm(what) { switch(what) { case "cats": $("#blogCats").fadeIn(); $("#newCats").fadeOut(); break; case "tags": $("#blogTags").fadeIn(); $("#newTags").fadeOut(); break; } } function clearForm(what) { switch(what) { case "cats": $("#txtCatName").val(""); $("#txtCatURL").val(""); $("#selNewCat").val(0); break; case "tags": $("#txtTagName").val(""); $("#txtTagURL").val(""); break; } } function initTags(tags) { if(tags) { tags = tags.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { tagit(tags[i]); } } } function scrollTo(id) { $('html,body').animate({scrollTop:$("#"+id).offset().top},'fast'); } function verify() { var themessage = ""; if (document.addBlog.txtTitle.value=="") { themessage += "You must specify a title!
"; } if (document.addBlog.txtSubTitle.value=="") { themessage += "You must specify a subtitle!
"; } if (document.addBlog.theRealURL.value=="") { themessage += "You must specify a URL!
"; } if (document.addBlog.postMenu[2].checked == true) { if (document.addBlog.txtDateTime.value==" < click to pick a date") { themessage += "You must specify a post date!
"; } } if (document.addBlog.txtExcerpt.value=="") { themessage += "You must specify a post excerpt!
"; } if (document.addBlog.txtBody.value=="") { themessage += "You must specify some post content!"; } if (themessage == "") { document.addBlog.submit(); } else { $("#formErrors").html('


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"; } if (themessage == "") { document.modCode.submit(); } else { $("#formErrors").html('


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