* @copyright (cc) creative commons - attribution-shareAlike 3.0 unported * @version 7.14 * @package app * @subpackage controllers */ class admin extends controller { /** * constructor * load the session manager by default */ function __construct() { $imports = array( "session" => array( "type" => qoob_types::core, "class" => "dbsession", "dir" => "users/")); parent::__construct($imports); } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // login/logout /** * logout * destroy the dession */ function logout() { $this->session->destroy(session_id()); $this->session->regenerate(); header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } /** * index * login screen */ function index() { $html["title"] = 'backdoor'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = ''; $html["body"] = ''; $html["error"] = ""; $html["username"] = ''; $html["password"] = ''; $loginAttempt = false; if($_POST) { $loginAttempt = true; $html["username"] = getRequest("txtUser", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $html["password"] = getRequest("txtPass", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); } if($html["username"] === "" or $html["password"] === "") { $html["error"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); } else { $admin = $this->model("adminModel"); $result = $admin->checkUser($html["username"]); if (count($result) > 0) { //--load the hash utility $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "hash", "crypto/"); //--compare pass to hash if($this->hash->compare($html["password"], $result[0]["password"])) { //---setup session $_SESSION["admin_id"] = $result[0]["admin_id"]; $_SESSION["name"] = $result[0]["name"]; $_SESSION["username"] = $result[0]["username"]; $_SESSION["email"] = $result[0]["email"]; header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN."backdoor/console/"); } else { $html["error"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Bad username / password combination!'), true); } } else { $html["error"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Bad username / password combination!'), true); } } if(!$loginAttempt) { $html["error"] = ""; } $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'the login screen', 'content' => $this->view("admin/login", array('errors' => $html["error"]), true), 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } /** * main * display the main menu after login */ function main() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/console'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = ''; $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'the console', 'content' => '

Hello '.$_SESSION['name'].',
and welcome to the qoob backend.
Use the menu on the right to moderate the site.

', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // admin /** * add admin * add new administrators to the database */ function addAdmin() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/addAdmin'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addAdminJS", array(), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; if($_POST) { $clean["name"] = getRequest("txtName", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["user"] = getRequest("txtUser", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["email"] = getRequest("txtEmail", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $clean["pass"] = getRequest("txtPass", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $saveAttempt = true; $data = array( 'txtName' => $clean["name"], 'txtUser' => $clean["user"], 'txtEmail' => $clean["email"], 'txtPass' => $clean["pass"], 'errors' => '' ); if($clean["name"] === "" or $clean["user"] === "" or $clean["email"] === "" or $clean["pass"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addAdmin", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Administrators', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am = $this->model("adminModel"); $result = $am->checkAdmin($clean["email"]); if(isset($result[0])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'That email is already in use!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addAdmin", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Administrators', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { //---generate random values $algo = mt_rand(0, 1) == 0 ? false : true; list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); // reseed the $seed = (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000); // random number mt_srand($seed); // generator $rounds = mt_rand(2000, 3000); //---hash password $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "hash", "crypto/"); $this->hash->sha1 = $algo; $this->hash->rounds = $rounds; $clean["pass"] = $this->hash->make($clean["pass"]); $am->addAdmin($clean); $html["error"] = ''; $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Administrators', 'content' => 'Administrator added successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt) { $form = array( 'txtName' => '', 'txtUser' => '', 'txtEmail' => '', 'txtPass' => '', 'errors' => '' ); $form = $this->view("admin/addAdmin", $form, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Administrators', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * modify admin * update the administrators info in the database */ function modAdmin() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/modAdmin'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addAdminJS", array(), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["admin_id"] = getRequest("whichAdmin", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $admin = $am->getAdminByID($clean["admin_id"]); if(isset($admin[0])) { $data = array( 'admin_id' => $admin[0]["admin_id"], 'txtName' => $admin[0]["name"], 'txtUser' => $admin[0]["username"], 'txtEmail' => $admin[0]["email"], 'errors' => '' ); $form = $this->view("admin/modAdmin", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Administrator', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid admin id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["name"] = getRequest("txtName", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["user"] = getRequest("txtUser", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["email"] = getRequest("txtEmail", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $clean["pass"] = getRequest("txtPass", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["admin_id"] = getRequest("admin_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $data = array( 'txtName' => $clean["name"], 'txtUser' => $clean["user"], 'txtEmail' => $clean["email"], 'txtPass' => $clean["pass"], 'admin_id' => $clean["admin_id"] ); if($clean["name"] === "" or $clean["user"] === "" or $clean["email"] === "" or $clean["pass"] === "" or $clean["admin_id"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/modAdmin", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Administrator', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { //---generate random values $algo = mt_rand(0, 1) == 0 ? false : true; list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); // reseed the $seed = (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000); // random number mt_srand($seed); // generator $rounds = mt_rand(2000, 3000); //---hash password $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "hash", "crypto/"); $this->hash->sha1 = $algo; $this->hash->rounds = $rounds; $clean["pass"] = $this->hash->make($clean["pass"]); $am->modAdmin($clean); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Administrators', 'content' => 'Administrator modified successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $admins = $am->getAllAdmins(); $adminList = ''; foreach ($admins as $admin) { $adminList .= '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/modAdminSelect", array('adminList' => $adminList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Administrators', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * delete admin * remove administrators from the database */ function delAdmin() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/delAdmin'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/delPageJS", array(), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["admin_id"] = getRequest("whichAdmin", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $admin = $am->getAdminByID($clean["admin_id"]); if(isset($admin[0])) { $data = array( 'name' => $admin[0]["name"], 'admin_id' => $admin[0]["admin_id"] ); $form = $this->view("admin/delAdmin", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Administrator', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid admin id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["admin_id"] = getRequest("admin_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if($clean["admin_id"] === "") { throw new Exception("Invalid admin id.", 500); } else { $am->deleteAdmin($clean["admin_id"]); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Administrators', 'content' => 'Administrator deleted successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $admins = $am->getAllAdmins(); $adminList = ''; foreach ($admins as $admin) { $adminList .= '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/delAdminSelect", array('adminList' => $adminList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Administrators', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * invite new admins */ function invite() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/invite'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = ''; $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Invitations', 'content' => 'Administrator invites coming soon...', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // pages /** * display page functions */ function pages() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/pages'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = ''; $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Pages', 'content' => 'Administrator invites coming soon...', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * add page * add new pages to the database */ function addPage() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/addPage'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addPageJS", array(), true); $saveAttempt = false; if($_POST) { $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["title"] = getRequest("txtTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["subtitle"] = getRequest("txtSubTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["body"] = getRequest("txtBody", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["script"] = getRequest("txtScript", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["selected"] = getRequest("txtSelected", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["meta"] = getRequest("txtMeta", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["sidebar"] = getRequest("txtSidebar", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $saveAttempt = true; $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'txtTitle' => $clean["title"], 'txtSubTitle' => $clean["subtitle"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtBody' => $clean["body"], 'txtScript' => $clean["script"], 'txtSelected' => $clean["selected"], 'txtMeta' => $clean["meta"], 'txtSidebar' => $clean["sidebar"] ); if($clean["url"] === "" or $clean["title"] === "" or $clean["body"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addPage", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Page', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am = $this->model("adminModel"); $result = $am->checkPageRoute($clean["url"]); if(isset($result[0])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'That URL is already in use!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addPage", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Page', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am->addPage($clean); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Page', 'content' => 'New page added successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt) { $data = array( 'txtTitle' => '', 'txtSubTitle' => '', 'txtURL' => '', 'txtBody' => '', 'txtScript' => '', 'txtSelected' => '', 'txtMeta' => '', 'txtSidebar' => '', 'errors' => '', ); $form = $this->view("admin/addPage", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Page', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * modify pages * update the contents of pages in the database */ function modPage() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/modPage'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addPageJS", array(), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["page_id"] = getRequest("whichPage", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $page = $am->getPage($clean["page_id"]); if(isset($page[0])) { $route = $am->getPageRouteIDs($page[0]["url"]); $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'txtTitle' => $page[0]["title"], 'txtSubTitle' => $page[0]["subtitle"], 'txtURL' => $page[0]["url"], 'txtBody' => $page[0]["body"], 'txtScript' => $page[0]["script"], 'txtSelected' => $page[0]["mainCat"], 'txtMeta' => $page[0]["meta"], 'txtSidebar' => $page[0]["sidebar"], 'page_id' => $route["p_id"], 'route_id' => $route["r_id"] ); $form = $this->view("admin/modPage", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Page', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid page id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["page_id"] = getRequest("page_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $clean["route_id"] = getRequest("route_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["title"] = getRequest("txtTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["subtitle"] = getRequest("txtSubTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["body"] = getRequest("txtBody", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["script"] = getRequest("txtScript", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["selected"] = getRequest("txtSelected", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["meta"] = getRequest("txtMeta", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["sidebar"] = getRequest("txtSidebar", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'txtTitle' => $clean["title"], 'txtSubTitle' => $clean["subtitle"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtBody' => $clean["body"], 'txtScript' => $clean["script"], 'txtSelected' => $clean["selected"], 'txtMeta' => $clean["meta"], 'txtSidebar' => $clean["sidebar"], 'page_id' => $clean["page_id"], 'route_id' => $clean["route_id"] ); if($clean["url"] === "" or $clean["title"] === "" or $clean["body"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/modPage", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Page', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { if($am->checkPageRouteChange($clean["page_id"], $clean["url"])) { $test =$am->checkPageRoute($clean["url"]); if(isset($test[0])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'That URL is already in use!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/modPage", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Page', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } if($data["errors"] == '') { $am->modPage($clean); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Page', 'content' => 'Your page has been modified successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $pages = $am->getPages(); $pageList = ''; foreach ($pages as $page) { $pageList .= '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/modPageSelect", array('pageList' => $pageList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Page', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * delete page * remove pages from the database */ function delPage() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/delPage'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/delPageJS", array(), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["page_id"] = getRequest("whichPage", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $page = $am->getPage($clean["page_id"]); if(isset($page[0])) { $route = $am->getPageRouteIDs($page[0]["url"]); $data = array( 'url' => $page[0]["url"], 'page_id' => $route["p_id"], 'route_id' => $route["r_id"] ); $form = $this->view("admin/delPage", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Page', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid page id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["page_id"] = getRequest("page_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $clean["route_id"] = getRequest("route_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if($clean["page_id"] === "" or $clean["route_id"] === "") { throw new Exception("Invalid page id.", 500); } else { $am->delPage($clean); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Page', 'content' => 'Your page as been deleted successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $pages = $am->getPages(); $pageList = ''; foreach ($pages as $page) { $pageList .= '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/delPageSelect", array('pageList' => $pageList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Page', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // blog /** * add blog * insert a blog post into the database */ function addBlog() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/addBlog'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addBlogJS", array('taglist' => '', 'catlist' =>'', 'post' => 'draft'), true); $html["jsfiles"] = ''.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL; $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; if($_POST) { $clean["date"] = getRequest("txtDateTime", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["post"] = getRequest("postMenu", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["title"] = getRequest("txtTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["subtitle"] = getRequest("txtSubTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["body"] = getRequest("txtBody", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["excerpt"] = getRequest("txtExcerpt", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["tags"] = getRequest("txtTags", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $cats = getRequest("txtCats", "post"); $clean["cats"] = is_array($cats) ? implode(",", $cats) : $cats; switch ($clean["post"]) { case "draft": $clean["live"] = 0; $clean["date"] = time(); break; case "now": $clean["live"] = 1; $clean["date"] = time(); break; case "date": $clean["date"] = strtotime($clean["date"]); $now = time(); $clean["live"] = ($clean["date"] <= $now) ? 1 : 0; break; default: throw new Exception("Bad post type value.", 500); break; } $saveAttempt = true; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addBlogJS", array('taglist' => $clean["tags"], 'catlist' => $clean["cats"], 'post' => $clean['post']), true); $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'date' => $clean["date"], 'postMenu' => $clean["post"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtTitle' => $clean["title"], 'txtSubTitle' => $clean["subtitle"], 'txtBody' => $clean["body"], 'txtExcerpt' => $clean["excerpt"], 'txtDateTime' => $clean["date"] ); if($clean["url"] === "" || $clean["title"] === "" || $clean["subtitle"] === "" || $clean["body"] === "" or $clean["excerpt"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addBlog", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Blog Entry', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if(!$am->checkBlogRoute($clean["url"])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'That URL is already in use!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addBlog", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Blog Entry', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { //---add post post $id = $am->addBlogPost($clean["url"], $clean["title"], $clean["subtitle"], $clean["excerpt"], $clean["body"], $clean["date"], $clean["live"]); //---add tags if(!empty($clean["tags"])) { $tags = explode(",", $clean["tags"]); foreach($tags as $tag) { $am->addBlogMeta($id, "tag", $tag); } } //---add categories if(!empty($clean["cats"])) { $cats = explode(",", $clean["cats"]); foreach($cats as $cat) { $am->addBlogMeta($id, "category", $cat); } } $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Blog Entry', 'content' => 'New blog post added successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt) { $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'txtTitle' => '', 'txtSubTitle' => '', 'txtURL' => '', 'txtBody' => '', 'txtExcerpt' => '', 'txtTags' => '', 'chkLive' => '', 'postMenu' => 'draft' ); $form = $this->view("admin/addBlog", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Blog Entry', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * modify blog * update a blog post in the database */ function modBlog() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/modBlog'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addBlogJS", array('taglist' => '', 'catlist' =>'', 'post' => 'draft'), true); $html["jsfiles"] = ''.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL; $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["post_id"] = getRequest("whichBlog", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $post = $am->getBlogAndMetaByID($clean["post_id"]); if(isset($post[0])) { $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'post_id' => $clean["post_id"], 'txtTitle' => $post[0]["title"], 'txtSubTitle' => $post[0]["subtitle"], 'txtURL' => $post[0]["url"], 'theRealURL' => $post[0]["url"], 'txtBody' => $post[0]["content"], 'txtExcerpt' => $post[0]["excerpt"], 'txtCats' => $post[0]["cats"], 'txtTags' => $post[0]["tags"], 'txtDateTime' => $post[0]["date"], 'postMenu' => ($post[0]["live"] == 0) ? 'draft' : 'date' ); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addBlogJS", array('taglist' => $post[0]["tags"], 'catlist' => $post[0]["cats"], 'post' => $data["postMenu"]), true); $html["body"] = $this->view("admin/modBlog", $data, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid post id.", 500); } } else { $clean["post_id"] = getRequest("post_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $clean["date"] = getRequest("txtDateTime", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["post"] = getRequest("postMenu", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["title"] = getRequest("txtTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["subtitle"] = getRequest("txtSubTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["body"] = getRequest("txtBody", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["excerpt"] = getRequest("txtExcerpt", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["tags"] = getRequest("txtTags", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $cats = getRequest("txtCats", "post"); $clean["cats"] = is_array($cats) ? implode(",", $cats) : $cats; switch ($clean["post"]) { case "draft": $clean["live"] = 0; $clean["date"] = time(); break; case "now": $clean["live"] = 1; $clean["date"] = time(); break; case "date": $clean["date"] = strtotime($clean["date"]); $now = time(); $clean["live"] = ($clean["date"] <= $now) ? 1 : 0; break; default: throw new Exception("Bad post type value.", 500); break; } $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addBlogJS", array('taglist' => $clean["tags"], 'catlist' => $clean["cats"], 'post' => $clean["post"]), true); $saveAttempt = true; $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'post_id' => $clean["post_id"], 'date' => $clean["date"], 'post' => $clean["post"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtTitle' => $clean["title"], 'txtSubTitle' => $clean["subtitle"], 'txtBody' => $clean["body"], 'txtExcerpt' => $clean["excerpt"], 'postMenu' => $clean["post"], 'txtDateTime' => $clean["date"] ); if($clean["url"] === "" || $clean["title"] === "" || $clean["subtitle"] === "" || $clean["body"] === "" or $clean["excerpt"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/modBlog", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Blog Entry', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $oldpost = $am->getBlogAndMetaByID($clean["post_id"]); if($clean["url"] != $oldpost[0]["url"]) { if(!$am->checkBlogRoute($clean["url"])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'That URL is already in use!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/modBlog", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Blog Entry', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } if($data["errors"] == "") { //---modify post post $am->modBlogPost($clean["post_id"], $clean["url"], $clean["title"], $clean["subtitle"], $clean["excerpt"], $clean["body"], $clean["date"], $clean["live"]); //---check tags $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "custom_diff"); $tagTest = $this->custom_diff->run($oldpost[0]["tags"], $clean["tags"]); if(isset($tagTest["add"])) { foreach($tagTest["add"] as $newtag) { $am->addBlogMeta($clean["post_id"], "tag", $newtag); } } if(isset($tagTest["del"])) { foreach($tagTest["del"] as $oldtag) { $am->delBlogMeta($clean["post_id"], "tag", $oldtag); } } //---check categories $catTest = $this->custom_diff->run($oldpost[0]["cats"], $clean["cats"]); if(isset($catTest["add"])) { foreach($catTest["add"] as $newcat) { $am->addBlogMeta($clean["post_id"], "category", $newcat); } } if(isset($catTest["del"])) { foreach($catTest["del"] as $oldcat) { $am->delBlogMeta($clean["post_id"], "category", $oldcat); } } $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Blog Entry', 'content' => 'Blog post modified successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $posts = $am->getAllBlogPosts(); $blogList = ''; if(isset($posts[0])) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $blogList .= '\n'; } } else { $blogList = '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/modBlogSelect", array('blogList' => $blogList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Blog Entry', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * delete blog * remove posts from the blog */ function delBlog() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/delBlog'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/delBlogJS", array('taglist' => ''), true); $html["jsfiles"] = ''.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL; $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["post_id"] = getRequest("whichBlog", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $post = $am->getBlogByID($clean["post_id"]); if(isset($post[0])) { $data = array( 'url' => $post[0]["url"], 'post_id' => $post[0]["post_id"] ); $form = $this->view("admin/delBlog", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Blog Entry', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid post id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["post_id"] = getRequest("post_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if($clean["post_id"] === "") { throw new Exception("Invalid post id.", 500); } else { $am->delBlogPost($clean["post_id"]); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Blog Entry', 'content' => 'Blog entry deleted successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $posts = $am->getAllBlogPosts(); $blogList = ''; if(isset($posts[0])) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $blogList .= '\n'; } } else { $blogList = '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/delBlogSelect", array('blogList' => $blogList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Blog Entry', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // gallery /** * add gallery category * add a new gallery categories to the database */ function addGalleryCat() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/addGalleryCat'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryCatJS", array('parent' => ''), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; if($_POST) { $clean["parent"] = getRequest("selNewCat", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $clean["name"] = getRequest("txtName", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["title"] = getRequest("txtTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["excerpt"] = getRequest("txtExcerpt", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["description"] = getRequest("txtDescript", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["live"] = getRequest("chkLive", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["live"] = $clean["live"] == "on" ? 1 : 0; $saveAttempt = true; $data = array( 'txtName' => $clean["name"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtTitle' => $clean["title"], 'txtExcerpt' => $clean["excerpt"], 'txtDescript' => $clean["description"], 'chkLive' => $clean["live"], 'errors' => '' ); if($clean["parent"] === "" || $clean["name"] === "" || $clean["title"] === "" || $clean["url"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryCatJS", array('parent' => $clean["parent"]), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addGalleryCat", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Gallery', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am = $this->model("adminModel"); $result = $am->checkGalleryCategory($clean["name"], $clean["url"]); if(isset($result[0])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'That category already exists!'), true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryCatJS", array('parent' => $clean["parent"]), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addGalleryCat", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Gallery', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am->addGalleryCategory($clean["parent"], $clean["name"], $clean["url"], $clean["title"], $clean["excerpt"], $clean["description"], $clean["live"]); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Gallery', 'content' => 'Gallery added successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt) { $form = array( 'txtName' => '', 'txtURL' => '', 'txtTitle' => '', 'txtExcerpt' => '', 'txtDescript' => '', 'chkLive' => '', 'errors' => '' ); $form = $this->view("admin/addGalleryCat", $form, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Gallery', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * modify gallery category * update the gallery info in the database */ function modGalleryCat() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/modGalleryCat'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryCatJS", array('parent' => ''), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["gallery_cat_id"] = getRequest("whichGallery", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT); $cat = $am->getGalleryCatByID($clean["gallery_cat_id"]); if(isset($cat[0])) { if(substr_count($clean["gallery_cat_id"], ".") > 0) { $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryCatJS", array('parent' => intval($clean["gallery_cat_id"])), true); } $data = array( 'cat_id' => $clean["gallery_cat_id"], 'txtName' => $cat[0]["name"], 'txtURL' => $cat[0]["url"], 'txtTitle' => $cat[0]["title"], 'txtExcerpt' => $cat[0]["excerpt"], 'txtDescript' => $cat[0]["description"], 'chkLive' => $cat[0]["live"], 'errors' => '' ); $form = $this->view("admin/modGalleryCat", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Gallery', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid admin id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["gallery_cat_id"] = getRequest("cat_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT); $clean["parent"] = getRequest("selNewCat", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $clean["name"] = getRequest("txtName", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["title"] = getRequest("txtTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["excerpt"] = getRequest("txtExcerpt", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["description"] = getRequest("txtDescript", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["live"] = getRequest("chkLive", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["live"] = $clean["live"] == "on" ? 1 : 0; $data = array( 'cat_id' => $clean["gallery_cat_id"], 'txtName' => $clean["name"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtTitle' => $clean["title"], 'txtExcerpt' => $clean["excerpt"], 'txtDescript' => $clean["description"], 'chkLive' => $clean["live"], 'errors' => '' ); if($clean["parent"] === "" || $clean["name"] === "" || $clean["title"] === "" || $clean["url"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryCatJS", array('parent' => $clean["parent"]), true); $form = $this->view("admin/modGalleryCat", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Gallery', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am->modGalleryCategory($clean["gallery_cat_id"], $clean["parent"], $clean["name"], $clean["url"], $clean["title"], $clean["excerpt"], $clean["description"], $clean["live"]); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Gallery', 'content' => 'Gallery modified successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $galleries = $am->getGalleryCategories(); $galleryList = ''; foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { $spacer = (substr_count($gallery["gallery_cat_id"], ".") > 0) ? "   . " : ""; $galleryList .= '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/modGalleryCatSelect", array('galleryList' => $galleryList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Gallery', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * delete gallery * remove galleries from the database */ function delGalleryCat() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/delGalleryCat'; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/delGalleryCatJS", array(), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["gallery_cat_id"] = getRequest("whichGallery", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT); if($clean["gallery_cat_id"] === '') { throw new Exception("Invalid gallery id.", 500); } $cat = $am->getGalleryCatByID($clean["gallery_cat_id"]); if(isset($cat[0])) { $data = array( 'name' => $cat[0]["name"], 'gallery_cat_id' => $cat[0]["gallery_cat_id"], 'deleteCheck' => '', 'images' => 0, 'subcats' => 0 ); if(strpos($clean["gallery_cat_id"], ".") == 0) { $catcount = $am->getSubGalleryCount($clean["gallery_cat_id"]); if(isset($catcount[0])) { $subcats = intval($catcount[0]['theCount']); if($subcats > 0) { $data['subcats'] = $subcats; } } } $imgcount = $am->getGalleryImgCount($clean["gallery_cat_id"]); if(isset($imgcount[0])) { $theCount = intval($imgcount[0]['theCount']); if($theCount > 0) { $data['images'] = $theCount; $data['deleteCheck'] = 'Delete Images?      '; } } $form = $this->view("admin/delGalleryCat", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Gallery', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid gallery id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["gallery_cat_id"] = getRequest("gallery_cat_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT); $clean["delete"] = getRequest("chkDelete", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["delete"] = $clean["delete"] == "on" ? 1 : 0; if($clean["gallery_cat_id"] === "") { throw new Exception("Invalid gallery id.", 500); } else { $files = $am->delGalleryAndImgs($clean["gallery_cat_id"], $clean["delete"]); $msg = ''; if($clean["delete"] == 1) { $total = count($files); $imgs = 0; $thumbs = 0; $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "upload"); $this->upload->setDirectory("root"); foreach ($files as $file) { $test = $this->upload->delete($file); if($test) { $imgs++; } $num = strrpos($file,"."); $filename = substr($file, 0, $num); $ext = substr($file, $num, strlen($file)); $test = $this->upload->delete($filename.'_thumb'.$ext); if($test) { $thumbs++; } } $msg = '

'.$imgs.' of '.$total.' images deleted.
'.$thumbs.' of '.$total.' thumbnails deleted'; } $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Gallery', 'content' => 'Galery deleted successfully!'.$msg, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $galleryList = ''; $galleries = $am->getGalleryCategories(); if(count($galleries) > 1) { foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { if(strtolower($gallery["name"]) != 'uncategorized') { $spacer = (substr_count($gallery["gallery_cat_id"], ".") > 0) ? "   . " : ""; $galleryList .= '\n'; } } } else { $galleryList .= '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/delGalleryCatSelect", array('galleryList' => $galleryList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Gallery', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * add gallery image * add a new image to the gallery */ function addGalleryImg() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/addGalleryImg'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImgJS", array('cats' => ''), true); $html["jsfiles"] = ''.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL; $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; if($_POST) { $clean["title"] = getRequest("txtTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["subtitle"] = getRequest("txtSubTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["excerpt"] = getRequest("txtExcerpt", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["description"] = getRequest("txtDescript", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["live"] = getRequest("chkLive", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["live"] = $clean["live"] == "on" ? 1 : 0; $cats = getRequest("txtCats", "post"); $clean["cats"] = is_array($cats) ? implode(",", $cats) : $cats; $saveAttempt = true; //---nullbyte filename exploit countermeasue $clean['theFile'] = str_replace(chr(0), '', $_FILES["theFile"]["name"]); $clean['theFile'] = str_replace("\0", '', $clean['theFile']); $data = array( 'txtTitle' => $clean["title"], 'txtSubTitle' => $clean["subtitle"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtExcerpt' => $clean["excerpt"], 'txtDescript' => $clean["description"], 'chkLive' => $clean["live"], 'errors' => '' ); if($clean['theFile'] === "" || $clean["cats"] === "" || $clean["title"] === ""|| $clean["subtitle"] === "" || $clean["url"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImgJS", array('cats' => $clean["cats"]), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImg", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am = $this->model("adminModel"); $result = $am->checkGalleryImg($clean["url"]); if(isset($result[0])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'That image URL already exists!'), true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImgJS", array('cats' => $clean["cats"]), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImg", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { if($_FILES["theFile"]["error"] > 0) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Your image is corrupt or became corrupt in upload!'), true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImgJS", array('cats' => $clean["cats"]), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImg", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "upload"); $this->upload->setMIMES(array('image/jpeg','image/pjpeg','image/jpg','image/x-jps','image/png','image/tiff','image/x-tiff','image/gif','image/bmp')); if(!$this->upload->testMIME($_FILES["theFile"]["type"])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'The file you selected was not an image!'), true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImgJS", array('cats' => $clean["cats"]), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImg", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { //save image $this->upload->setDirectory("root"); $ext = strtolower($this->upload->getExtention($clean['theFile'])); $name = $clean["url"]; while($this->upload->exists($name.".".$ext)) { $rand = str_split(md5(microtime()), 5); $name .= $rand[0]; } $clean["filename"] = $name.".".$ext; $clean["thumbname"] = $name."_thumb.".$ext; $this->upload->file($_FILES["theFile"]["tmp_name"], $clean["filename"]); //create thumbnail $target_path = QOOB_ROOT.SLASH."style".SLASH."img".SLASH."projects".SLASH.$clean["filename"]; /** * @todo thumbnail size needs to be user defined somewhere... */ $size = 300; switch ($ext) { case 'png': $img = imagecreatefrompng($target_path); $createIMG = 'ImagePNG'; ImageAlphaBlending($img,true); ImageSaveAlpha($img,true); break; case 'gif': $img = imagecreatefromgif($target_path); $createIMG = 'ImageGIF'; $transparent_index = ImageColorTransparent($img); if($transparent_index!=(-1)) $transparent_color = ImageColorsForIndex($img,$transparent_index); break; case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($target_path); $createIMG = 'ImageJPEG'; break; default: throw new Exception("Failed to create thumbnail.
Invalid image type.", 500); break; } list($w,$h) = GetImageSize($target_path); if( $w==0 or $h==0 ) throw new Exception("Image size is zero.", 500); $percent = $size / (($w>$h)?$w:$h); $nw = intval($w*$percent); $nh = intval($h*$percent); $thumb = ImageCreateTrueColor($nw,$nh); if($ext=='png') { ImageAlphaBlending($thumb,false); ImageSaveAlpha($thumb,true); } if(!empty($transparent_color)) { $transparent_new = ImageColorAllocate($thumb, $transparent_color['red'], $transparent_color['green'], $transparent_color['blue']); $transparent_new_index = ImageColorTransparent($thumb,$transparent_new); ImageFill($thumb, 0,0, $transparent_new_index); } if(ImageCopyResized($thumb,$img, 0,0,0,0, $nw,$nh, $w,$h)) { ImageDestroy($img); $img = $thumb; } ob_start(); $createIMG($img); $thumbdata = ob_get_clean(); $this->upload->writeFile($clean["thumbname"], $thumbdata); ImageDestroy($img); //add to database $id = $am->addGalleryImg($clean["url"], $clean["filename"], $clean["title"], $clean["subtitle"], $clean["excerpt"], $clean["description"], $clean["live"]); if(!empty($clean["cats"])) { $cats = explode(",", $clean["cats"]); foreach($cats as $cat) { $am->addGalleryImgMeta($id, "category", $cat); } } $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Image', 'content' => 'Gallery image uploaded successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } } } if(!$saveAttempt) { $form = array( 'txtTitle' => '', 'txtSubTitle' => '', 'txtURL' => '', 'txtExcerpt' => '', 'txtDescript' => '', 'chkLive' => '', 'errors' => '' ); $form = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImg", $form, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * modify gallery image * update the gallery image info in the database */ function modGalleryImg() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/modGalleryImg'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImgJS", array('cats' => ''), true); $html["jsfiles"] = ''.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL; $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["image_id"] = getRequest("selectImgID", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $img = $am->getGalleryImgAndMetaByID($clean["image_id"]); if(isset($img[0])) { $data = array( 'image_id' => $clean["image_id"], 'txtURL' => $img[0]["url"], 'theFile' => $img[0]["filename"], 'txtTitle' => $img[0]["title"], 'txtSubTitle' => $img[0]["subtitle"], 'txtExcerpt' => $img[0]["excerpt"], 'txtDescript' => $img[0]["description"], 'chkLive' => $img[0]["live"], 'errors' => '' ); $form = $this->view("admin/modGalleryImg", $data, true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImgJS", array('cats' => $img[0]["cats"]), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid image id.", 500); } } else { $clean["image_id"] = getRequest("image_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $clean["theFile"] = getRequest("theFile", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["title"] = getRequest("txtTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["subtitle"] = getRequest("txtSubTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["excerpt"] = getRequest("txtExcerpt", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["description"] = getRequest("txtDescript", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["live"] = getRequest("chkLive", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["live"] = $clean["live"] == "on" ? 1 : 0; $cats = getRequest("txtCats", "post"); $clean["cats"] = is_array($cats) ? implode(",", $cats) : $cats; $saveAttempt = true; $data = array( 'image_id' => $clean["image_id"], 'theFile' => $clean["theFile"], 'txtTitle' => $clean["title"], 'txtSubTitle' => $clean["subtitle"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtExcerpt' => $clean["excerpt"], 'txtDescript' => $clean["description"], 'chkLive' => $clean["live"], 'errors' => '' ); if($clean["cats"] === "" || $clean["title"] === ""|| $clean["subtitle"] === "" || $clean["url"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImgJS", array('cats' => $clean["cats"]), true); $form = $this->view("admin/modGalleryImg", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $oldpost = $am->getGalleryImgAndMetaByID($clean["image_id"]); if($clean["url"] != $oldpost[0]["url"]) { $result = $am->checkGalleryImg($clean["url"]); if(isset($result[0])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'That URL is already in use!'), true); $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addGalleryImgJS", array('cats' => $clean["cats"]), true); $form = $this->view("admin/modGalleryImg", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } if($data["errors"] == "") { //---modify image $am->modGalleryImg($clean["image_id"], $clean["url"], $clean["title"], $clean["subtitle"], $clean["excerpt"], $clean["description"], $clean["live"]); //---check categories $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "custom_diff"); $catTest = $this->custom_diff->run($oldpost[0]["cats"], $clean["cats"]); if(isset($catTest["add"])) { foreach($catTest["add"] as $newcat) { $am->addGalleryImgMeta($clean["image_id"], "category", $newcat); } } if(isset($catTest["del"])) { foreach($catTest["del"] as $oldcat) { $am->delGalleryImgMeta($clean["image_id"], "category", $oldcat); } } $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Image', 'content' => 'Image modified successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $galleries = $am->getGalleryCategories(); $galleryList = ''; foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { $spacer = (substr_count($gallery["gallery_cat_id"], ".") > 0) ? "   . " : ""; $galleryList .= '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/modGalleryImgSelect", array('galleryList' => $galleryList, 'errors' => ''), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } /** * delete image * remove images from the gallery */ function delGalleryImg() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/delGalleryImg'; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/delGalleryImgJS", array(), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["image_id"] = getRequest("selectImgID", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $img = $am->getGalleryImgAndMetaByID($clean["image_id"]); if(isset($img[0])) { $data = array( 'image_id' => $clean["image_id"], 'theFile' => $img[0]["filename"], ); $form = $this->view("admin/delGalleryImg", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid image id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["image_id"] = getRequest("image_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if($clean["image_id"] === "") { throw new Exception("Invalid post id.", 500); } else { $img = $am->getGalleryImgAndMetaByID($clean["image_id"]); if(!isset($img[0])) { throw new Exception("Invalid post id.", 500); } else { $cats = explode(',', $img[0]['cats']); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $am->delGalleryImgMeta($clean["image_id"], "category", $cat); } $am->delGalleryImg($clean["image_id"]); $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "upload"); $this->upload->setDirectory("root"); $test = $this->upload->delete($img[0]['filename']); $msg = ''; if(!$test) { $msg = "Failed to delete the image from the server."; } $num = strrpos($img[0]['filename'],"."); $file = substr($img[0]['filename'], 0, $num); $ext = substr($img[0]['filename'], $num, strlen($img[0]['filename'])); $test = $this->upload->delete($file.'_thumb'.$ext); if(!$test) { $msg = "
Failed to delete thumbnail from the server."; } $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Image', 'content' => 'Gallery image deleted successfully!
'.$msg, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $galleries = $am->getGalleryCategories(); $galleryList = ''; foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { $spacer = (substr_count($gallery["gallery_cat_id"], ".") > 0) ? "   . " : ""; $galleryList .= '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/delGalleryImgSelect", array('galleryList' => $galleryList, 'errors' => ''), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Image', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // code /** * add code * add a git repo to the database */ function addCode() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/addCode'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/addCodeJS", array(), true); $saveAttempt = false; if($_POST) { $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["repo"] = getRequest("txtRepo", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["name"] = getRequest("txtName", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["subtitle"] = getRequest("txtSubTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["description"] = getRequest("txtDescription", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["readme"] = getRequest("txtReadMe", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $saveAttempt = true; $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'txtRepo' => $clean["repo"], 'txtName' => $clean["name"], 'txtSubTitle' => $clean["subtitle"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtDescription' => $clean["description"], 'txtReadMe' => $clean["readme"], ); if($clean["url"] === "" or $clean["repo"] === "" or $clean["name"] === "" or $clean["description"] === "" or $clean["readme"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addCode", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Code', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am = $this->model("adminModel"); $result = $am->checkCodeRoute($clean["url"]); if(isset($result[0])) { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'That URL is already in use!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/addCode", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Code', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { $am->addCode($clean); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Code', 'content' => 'New Git Repo added successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt) { $data = array( 'txtRepo' => '', 'txtName' => '', 'txtSubTitle' => '', 'txtURL' => '', 'txtDescription' => '', 'txtReadMe' => '', 'errors' => '', ); $form = $this->view("admin/addCode", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Add Code', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } function modCode() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/modCode'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/modCodeJS", array(), true); $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["git_id"] = getRequest("whichRepo", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $repo = $am->getCode($clean["git_id"]); if(isset($repo[0])) { $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'txtRepo' => $repo[0]["repo"], 'txtName' => $repo[0]["name"], 'txtSubTitle' => $repo[0]["subtitle"], 'txtURL' => $repo[0]["url"], 'txtDescription' => $repo[0]["description"], 'txtReadMe' => $repo[0]["readme"], 'git_id' => $repo[0]["git_id"], ); $form = $this->view("admin/modCode", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Code', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid code id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["git_id"] = getRequest("git_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $clean["url"] = getRequest("theRealURL", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["repo"] = getRequest("txtRepo", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["name"] = getRequest("txtName", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["subtitle"] = getRequest("txtSubTitle", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $clean["description"] = getRequest("txtDescription", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $clean["readme"] = getRequest("txtReadMe", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $data = array( 'errors' => '', 'txtRepo' => $clean["repo"], 'txtName' => $clean["name"], 'txtSubTitle' => $clean["subtitle"], 'txtURL' => $clean["url"], 'txtDescription' => $clean["description"], 'txtReadMe' => $clean["readme"], 'git_id' => $clean["git_id"] ); if($clean["url"] === "" or $clean["repo"] === "" or $clean["name"] === "" or $clean["description"] === "" or $clean["readme"] === "") { $data["errors"] = $this->view("admin/errorBubble", array('title' => 'Error!', 'msg' => 'Please complete the entire form!'), true); $form = $this->view("admin/modCode", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Code', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { if($data["errors"] == '') { $am->modCode($clean); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Code', 'content' => 'Your Git Repo has been modified successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $codes = $am->getCodes(); $repoList = ''; if(isset($codes[0])) { foreach ($codes as $repo) { $repoList .= '\n'; } } else { $repoList = '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/modCodeSelect", array('repoList' => $repoList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Modify Code', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } function delCode() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/delCode'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/delCodeJS", array(), true); $html["body"] = ''; $saveAttempt = false; $loadAttempt = false; $am = $this->model("adminModel"); if($_POST) { $action = getRequest("action", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($action == "load") { $loadAttempt = true; $clean["git_id"] = getRequest("whichRepo", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $repo = $am->getCode($clean["git_id"]); if(isset($repo[0])) { $data = array( 'url' => $repo[0]["url"], 'git_id' => $clean["git_id"], ); $form = $this->view("admin/delCode", $data, true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Code', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid code id.", 500); } } else { $saveAttempt = true; $clean["git_id"] = getRequest("git_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if($clean["git_id"] === "") { throw new Exception("Invalid code id.", 500); } else { $am->delCode($clean["git_id"]); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Code', 'content' => 'Your Git Repo as been deleted successfully!', 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } } } if(!$saveAttempt && !$loadAttempt) { $codes = $am->getCodes(); $repoList = ''; if(isset($codes[0])) { foreach ($codes as $repo) { $repoList .= '\n'; } } else { $repoList = '\n'; } $form = $this->view("admin/delCodeSelect", array('repoList' => $repoList), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'Delete Code', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); } $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // stats function stats() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $html["title"] = 'backdoor/stats'; $html["meta"] = ''; $html["sidebar"] = $this->view("admin/sidebar", array(), true).$this->view("blog/sidebar_qr", array(), true); $html["selected"] = ''; $html["script"] = $this->view("admin/statsJS", array(), true); $html["body"] = ''; $form = $this->view("admin/stats", array(), true); $post = array( 'mainCat' => '', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Backdoor', 'subtitle' => 'View Statistics', 'content' => $form, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] = $this->view("post", $post, true); $this->view("pixelgraff", $html); } } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // ajax /** * ajax * dynamic javascript backend */ function ajax() { if(!$this->session->validate()){ header("location: ".QOOB_DOMAIN.QOOB_CONTROLLER_URL."/"); } else { $action = getRequest("action", "request", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $this->stats = false; switch ($action) { case "inflection": $str = getRequest("str", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $type = getRequest("type", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "inflector"); if($str === "") { die("error"); } else { switch ($type) { case "camel": $url = $this->inflector->camelize($str); break; case "underscore": $url = $this->inflector->underscore($str); break; default: $url = $this->inflector->underscore($str); break; } die($url); } break; case "addTag": $name = getRequest("name", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $url = getRequest("url", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($name == "" || $url == "") { die("missing"); } $cat = $this->model("adminModel"); $check = $cat->checkBlogTag($name, $url); if(count($check) > 0) { die("used"); } $cat->addBlogTag($name, $url); die("success"); break; case "getTags": $tag = $this->model("adminModel"); $tags = $tag->getBlogTags(); if(isset($tags[0])) { $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "cloud"); $this->cloud->setMax(200); $this->cloud->setMin(90); $html = $this->cloud->generate($tags); } else { $html = 'No tags found.'; } die($html); break; case "addCategory": $name = getRequest("name", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $url = getRequest("url", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $parent = getRequest("parent", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($name == "" || $url == "" || $parent == "") { die("missing"); } $cat = $this->model("adminModel"); /** * @todo perhaps allow for subcat to have the same name as a main cat? * possibility for collisions...? :P */ $check = $cat->checkBlogCategory($name, $url); if(count($check) > 0) { die("used"); } $cat->addBlogCategory($name, $url, $parent); die("success"); break; case "getCategories": $type = getRequest("type", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $cat = $this->model("adminModel"); $cats = $cat->getBlogCategories(); $i = 0; if($type == "new") { $html = ''; while ($i < count($cats)) { $spacer = (substr_count($cats[$i]["blog_cat_id"], ".") > 0) ? "   . " : ""; $html.=''; $i++; } } $html.= ""; die($html); break; case "getGalleryCategories": $type = getRequest("type", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $cat = $this->model("adminModel"); $cats = $cat->getGalleryCategories(); $i = 0; if($type == "new") { $html = ''; while ($i < count($cats)) { $spacer = (substr_count($cats[$i]["gallery_cat_id"], ".") > 0) ? "   . " : ""; $html.=''; $i++; } } $html.= ""; die($html); break; case "getGalleryImages": $id = $name = getRequest("cat_id", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT); $img = $this->model("adminModel"); $imgs = $img->getGalleryImgByCat($id); if(!isset($imgs[0])) { $html = ''; } else { $html = ''; } die($html); break; case "stats": $type = getRequest("type", "request", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $sm = $this->model("statsModel"); switch ($type) { case 'visits': $range = getRequest("range", "request", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $view = getRequest("view", "request", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $html = ""; $visitsType = getRequest("visitsType", "request", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if($visitsType == "undefined"){ $visitsType = 1; } switch ($range) { case 1: $starttime = strtotime('-1 month'); break; case 2: $starttime = strtotime('-6 months'); break; case 3: $starttime = strtotime('-1 year'); break; case 4: default: $starttime = 0; break; } $visits = $sm->visits($starttime, time()); if(!isset($visits[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } $unique_visits = count($visits); $total_visits = 0; foreach($visits as $visit){ $total_visits += intval($visit['total']); } $visits_div = $sm->visits_div($starttime, time()); $int2hour = array( 0 => "12pm - 1am", 1 => "1 - 2am", 2 => "2 - 3am", 3 => "3 - 4am", 4 => "4 - 5am", 5 => "5 - 6am", 6 => "6 - 7am", 7 => "7 - 8am", 8 => "8 - 9am", 9 => "9 - 10am", 10 => "10 - 11am", 11 => "11 - 12pm", 12 => "12 - 1pm", 13 => "1 - 2pm", 14 => "2 - 3pm", 15 => "3 - 4pm", 16 => "4 - 5pm", 17 => "5 - 6pm", 18 => "6 - 7pm", 19 => "7 - 8pm", 20 => "8 - 9pm", 21 => "9 - 10pm", 22 => "10 - 11pm", 23 => "11pm - 12am" ); $int2wkday = array( 0 => "Sun", 1 => "Mon", 2 => "Tues", 3 => "Wed", 4 => "Thu", 5 => "Fri", 6 => "Sat" ); $s1 = ""; $s2 = ""; $s3 = ""; $s4 = ""; switch ($visitsType){ case 1: $s1 = 'selected="selected"'; break; case 2: $s2 = 'selected="selected"'; break; case 3: $s3 = 'selected="selected"'; break; case 4: $s4 = 'selected="selected"'; break; } $html = '
Total visits
Unique visits

'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; if($view == 1) { switch ($visitsType){ case 1: $hours = array(); if(!isset($visits_div[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } foreach($visits_div as $row){ $epoch = intval($row['date']); $ipaddress = $row['ipaddress']; $hour = intval(strftime('%H', $epoch)); if(!array_key_exists($hour, $hours)){ $hours[$hour] = array(1,array($ipaddress)); } else { $hours[$hour][0] += 1; if(!in_array($ipaddress, $hours[$hour][1])){ array_push($hours[$hour][1], $ipaddress); } } } ksort($hours); $html .= '
Hour of day
Total / Unique

'; foreach($hours as $hour => $totals){ $html .= '
'.number_format($totals[0])." / ".count($totals[1]).'
'; } break; case 2: $weekdays = array(); if(!isset($visits_div[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } foreach($visits_div as $row){ $epoch = intval($row['date']); $weekday = intval(strftime('%w', $epoch)); $ipaddress = $row['ipaddress']; if(!array_key_exists($weekday, $weekdays)){ $weekdays[$weekday] = array(1,array($ipaddress)); } else { $weekdays[$weekday][0] += 1; if(!in_array($ipaddress, $weekdays[$weekday][1])){ array_push($weekdays[$weekday][1], $ipaddress); } } } ksort($weekdays); $html .= '
Day of the Week
Total / Unique

'; foreach($weekdays as $weekday => $totals){ $html .= '
'.number_format($totals[0])." / ".count($totals[1]).'
'; } break; case 3: $monthdays = array(); if(!isset($visits_div[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } foreach($visits_div as $row){ $epoch = intval($row['date']); $monthday = intval(strftime('%d', $epoch)); $ipaddress = $row['ipaddress']; if(!array_key_exists($monthday, $monthdays)){ $monthdays[$monthday] = array(1,array($ipaddress)); } else { $monthdays[$monthday][0] += 1; if(!in_array($ipaddress, $monthdays[$monthday][1])){ array_push($monthdays[$monthday][1], $ipaddress); } } } ksort($monthdays); $html .= '
Day of the Month
Total / Unique

'; foreach($monthdays as $monthday => $totals){ $html .= '
'.number_format($totals[0])." / ".count($totals[1]).'
'; } break; case 4: $months = array(); if(!isset($visits_div[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } foreach($visits_div as $row){ $epoch = intval($row['date']); $month = strftime('%Y', $epoch) ."-". strftime('%m', $epoch); //$year = intval(strftime('%Y', $epoch)); $ipaddress = $row['ipaddress']; if(!array_key_exists($month, $months)){ $months[$month] = array(1,array($ipaddress)); } else { $months[$month][0] += 1; } if(!in_array($ipaddress, $months[$month][1])){ array_push($months[$month][1], $ipaddress); } } ksort($months); $html .= '
Months of the Year
Total / Unique

'; foreach($months as $month => $totals){ $html .= '
'.number_format($totals[0])." / ".count($totals[1]).'
'; } break; default: } } else { switch ($visitsType){ case 1: //hours in the day $hours = array(); if(!isset($visits_div[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } foreach($visits_div as $row){ $epoch = intval($row['date']); $ipaddress = $row['ipaddress']; $hour = intval(strftime('%H', $epoch)); if(!array_key_exists($hour, $hours)){ $hours[$hour] = array(1,array($ipaddress)); } else { $hours[$hour][0] += 1; if(!in_array($ipaddress, $hours[$hour][1])){ array_push($hours[$hour][1], $ipaddress); } } } ksort($hours); $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "pChart", "pCharts/"); $DataSet = new pData(); $Serie1 = array(); $Serie2 = array(); $Serie3 = array(); $hourkeys = array_keys($hours); foreach($hourkeys as $key){ array_push($Serie3, $int2hour[$key]); } foreach($hours as $hour => $value){ array_push($Serie2, $value[0]); // total array_push($Serie1, count($value[1])); // unique } $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie1,"Serie1"); $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie2,"Serie2"); $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie3,"Serie3"); $DataSet->AddAllSeries(); $DataSet->RemoveSerie("Serie3"); $DataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie("Serie3"); $DataSet->SetSerieName("Total hits","Serie2"); $DataSet->SetSerieName("Unique hits","Serie1"); $DataSet->SetYAxisName("HIT COUNT"); $Title = "Hits by hour of the day"; break; case 2: //days of the week $weekdays = array(); if(!isset($visits_div[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } foreach($visits_div as $row){ $epoch = intval($row['date']); $weekday = intval(strftime('%w', $epoch)); $ipaddress = $row['ipaddress']; if(!array_key_exists($weekday, $weekdays)){ $weekdays[$weekday] = array(1,array($ipaddress)); } else { $weekdays[$weekday][0] += 1; if(!in_array($ipaddress, $weekdays[$weekday][1])){ array_push($weekdays[$weekday][1], $ipaddress); } } } ksort($weekdays); $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "pChart", "pCharts/"); $DataSet = new pData(); $Serie1 = array(); $Serie2 = array(); $Serie3 = array_keys($weekdays); for ($i=0;$i $value){ array_push($Serie2, $value[0]); // total array_push($Serie1, count($value[1])); // unique } $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie1,"Serie1"); $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie2,"Serie2"); $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie3,"Serie3"); $DataSet->AddAllSeries(); $DataSet->RemoveSerie("Serie3"); $DataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie("Serie3"); $DataSet->SetSerieName("Total hits","Serie2"); $DataSet->SetSerieName("Unique hits","Serie1"); $DataSet->SetYAxisName("Hit count"); $Title = "Hits by day of the week"; break; case 3: //days of the month $monthdays = array(); if(!isset($visits_div[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } foreach($visits_div as $row){ $epoch = intval($row['date']); $monthday = intval(strftime('%d', $epoch)); $ipaddress = $row['ipaddress']; if(!array_key_exists($monthday, $monthdays)){ $monthdays[$monthday] = array(1,array($ipaddress)); } else { $monthdays[$monthday][0] += 1; if(!in_array($ipaddress, $monthdays[$monthday][1])){ array_push($monthdays[$monthday][1], $ipaddress); } } } ksort($monthdays); for($i=1;$i<31;$i++){ if(!array_key_exists($i, $monthdays)){ $monthdays[$i] = array(0,array()); } } ksort($monthdays); $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "pChart", "pCharts/"); $DataSet = new pData(); $Serie1 = array(); $Serie2 = array(); $Serie3 = array_keys($monthdays); foreach($monthdays as $monthday => $value){ array_push($Serie2, $value[0]); // total array_push($Serie1, count($value[1])); // unique } $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie1,"Serie1"); $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie2,"Serie2"); $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie3,"Serie3"); $DataSet->AddAllSeries(); $DataSet->RemoveSerie("Serie3"); $DataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie("Serie3"); $DataSet->SetSerieName("Total hits","Serie2"); $DataSet->SetSerieName("Unique hits","Serie1"); $DataSet->SetYAxisName("Hit count"); $Title = "Hits by day of the month"; break; case 4: //months of the year $months = array(); if(!isset($visits_div[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } foreach($visits_div as $row){ $epoch = intval($row['date']); $month = strftime('%Y', $epoch) ."-". strftime('%m', $epoch); //$year = intval(strftime('%Y', $epoch)); $ipaddress = $row['ipaddress']; if(!array_key_exists($month, $months)){ $months[$month] = array(1,array($ipaddress)); } else { $months[$month][0] += 1; } if(!in_array($ipaddress, $months[$month][1])){ array_push($months[$month][1], $ipaddress); } } ksort($months); $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "pChart", "pCharts/"); $DataSet = new pData(); $Serie1 = array(); $Serie2 = array(); $Serie3 = array_keys($months); foreach($months as $month => $value){ array_push($Serie2, $value[0]); // total array_push($Serie1, count($value[1])); // unique } $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie1,"Serie1"); $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie2,"Serie2"); $DataSet->AddPoint($Serie3,"Serie3"); $DataSet->AddAllSeries(); $DataSet->RemoveSerie("Serie3"); $DataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie("Serie3"); $DataSet->SetSerieName("Total hits","Serie2"); $DataSet->SetSerieName("Unique hits","Serie1"); $DataSet->SetYAxisName("Hit count"); $Title = "Hits by month of the year"; break; default: } //set colors //$this->pChart->setColorPalette(0, 122, 160, 84); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(0, 110, 144, 75); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(1, 171, 219, 108); //init graph $Graph = $this->pChart->makepChart(320, 350); $this->pChart->drawGraphAreaGradient(102, 102, 102, 1, TARGET_BACKGROUND); $this->pChart->setFontProperties(QOOB_PATH."/utils/pCharts/fonts/tahoma.ttf", 6); $this->pChart->setGraphArea(42, 30, 310, 295); $this->pChart->drawScale($DataSet->GetData(),$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),SCALE_ADDALL,0, 0, 0,TRUE, 60, 0, TRUE); $this->pChart->drawGraphAreaGradient(80, 80, 80, 100); $this->pChart->drawGrid(4, TRUE, 100, 100, 100, 0); //draw stacked bar graph $this->pChart->drawStackedBarGraph($DataSet->GetData(),$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),80); //graph title $this->pChart->setFontProperties(QOOB_PATH."/utils/pCharts/fonts/tahoma.ttf", 14); $this->pChart->drawTextBox(10, 1, 157, 25, $Title, 0, 210, 210, 210, ALIGN_LEFT, false, -1, -1, -1, 100); //legend $this->pChart->setFontProperties(QOOB_PATH."/utils/pCharts/fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8); $this->pChart->drawLegend(230, 10, $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 200, 200, 200, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); //render & display $this->pChart->Render(QOOB_ROOT.SLASH."cache/stacked_bar1.png"); $html .= '
'; } die($html); break; case 'browsers': $data = getRequest("datatype", "request", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $range = getRequest("range", "request", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $view = getRequest("view", "request", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); switch ($range) { case 1: $starttime = strtotime('-1 month'); break; case 2: $starttime = strtotime('-6 months'); break; case 3: $starttime = strtotime('-1 year'); break; case 4: default: $starttime = 0; break; } switch ($data) { case 1: $browsers = $sm->browsers($starttime, time()); if(!isset($browsers[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } for ($i=0; $i
'; } } else { $grand_ttl = 0; foreach ($browsers as $browser) { $grand_ttl += $browser['total']; } $top_browsers = array(); if (array_key_exists('Unknown', $browsers)){ $top_browsers['Unknown'] = $browsers['Unknown']; } else { $top_browsers['Unknown'] = 0; } foreach($browsers as $browser){ $top_browsers[$browser['browser']] = $browser['total']; /* //limit results $pct = ($browser['total']/$grand_ttl)*100; if ($pct > 1){ $top_browsers[$browser['browser']] = $browser['total']; } else { $top_browsers['Unknown'] += 1; } */ } arsort($top_browsers); $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "pChart", "pCharts/"); $DataSet = new pData(); foreach($top_browsers as $key => $val){ if($val > 0) { $DataSet->AddPoint($top_browsers[$key],$Serie="Serie1",$Description=$key); } } $DataSet->AddSerie("Serie1"); //create color pallette $colors_needed = count($top_browsers); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(0, 143, 197, 0); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(1, 97, 77, 63); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(2, 23, 123, 159); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(3, 97, 113, 63); for ($i=4; $i<$colors_needed+1; $i++){ $this->pChart->setColorPalette($i, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255)); } //dynamic height $extra_height = (count($top_browsers) - 4)*14; $extra_height = $extra_height > 0 ? $extra_height : 0; //init graph $Browser_graph = $this->pChart->makepChart(320,240+$extra_height); $this->pChart->drawBackground(102, 102, 102); //draw pie graph $this->pChart->setFontProperties(QOOB_PATH."/utils/pCharts/fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8); $this->pChart->drawPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 157, 80, 100, PIE_PERCENTAGE, TRUE, 50, 20, 10, 2); //draw legend $this->pChart->drawPieLegend(128, 180, $DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 200, 200, 200); //render & display $this->pChart->Render(QOOB_ROOT."/cache/browsers.png"); $html = ''; } break; case 2: $platforms = $sm->platforms($starttime, time()); if(!isset($platforms[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } for ($i=0; $i
'; } } else { $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "pChart", "pCharts/"); $DataSet = new pData(); foreach($platforms as $platform){ if($platform['total'] > 0) { $DataSet->AddPoint($platform['total'],$Serie="Serie1",$platform['platform']); } } $DataSet->AddSerie("Serie1"); //create color pallette $colors_needed = count($platforms); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(0, 143, 197, 0); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(1, 97, 77, 63); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(2, 23, 123, 159); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(3, 97, 113, 63); for ($i=4; $i<$colors_needed+1; $i++){ $this->pChart->setColorPalette($i, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255)); } //dynamic height $extra_height = (count($platforms)-4)*12; $extra_height = $extra_height > 0 ? $extra_height : 0; //init graph $Platform_graph = $this->pChart->makepChart(320,240+$extra_height); $this->pChart->drawBackground(102, 102, 102); $this->pChart->setFontProperties(QOOB_PATH."/utils/pCharts/fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8); //draw pie graph $this->pChart->drawPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 157, 80, 100, PIE_PERCENTAGE, TRUE, 50, 20, 5, 2); $this->pChart->drawPieLegend(128, 180, $DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 200, 200, 200); //render & display $this->pChart->Render(QOOB_ROOT."/cache/platforms.png"); $html = ''; } break; case 3: $resolutions = $sm->resolutions($starttime, time()); $resolutions_count = $sm->resolutions_count($starttime, time()); if(!isset($resolutions[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } $resolutions_assoc = array(); $running_total = 0; for ($i=0; $i$value) { $html .= '
'; } } else { $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "pChart", "pCharts/"); $DataSet = new pData(); foreach($resolutions_assoc as $key=>$value){ if($value > 0) { $DataSet->AddPoint($value, $Serie="Serie1",$Description=$key); } } $DataSet->AddSerie("Serie1"); //create color pallette $colors_needed = count($resolutions_assoc); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(0, 143, 197, 0); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(1, 97, 77, 63); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(2, 23, 123, 159); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(3, 97, 113, 63); for ($i=4; $i<$colors_needed+1; $i++){ $this->pChart->setColorPalette($i, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255)); } //dynamic height $extra_height = (count($resolutions_assoc)-10)*12; $extra_height = $extra_height > 0 ? $extra_height : 0; //init graph $Resolutions_graph = $this->pChart->makepChart(320,320+$extra_height); $this->pChart->drawBackground(102, 102, 102); //draw pie graph $this->pChart->setFontProperties(QOOB_PATH."/utils/pCharts/fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8); $this->pChart->drawPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 157, 80, 100, PIE_PERCENTAGE, TRUE, 50, 20, 13, 2); //draw legend $this->pChart->drawPieLegend(128, 180, $DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 200, 200, 200); //render & display $this->pChart->Render(QOOB_ROOT."/cache/resolutions.png"); $html = ""; } break; case 4: $flash = $sm->flash($starttime, time()); if(!isset($flash[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } if($view == 1) { $html = '
Flash Version

'; foreach ($flash as $flashver) { $html .= '
'; } } else { $this->library(qoob_types::utility, "pChart", "pCharts/"); $DataSet = new pData(); foreach ($flash as $line){ if ($line['flash_version'] != "0"){ $DataSet->AddPoint($line['total'], $Serie="Serie1", 'Flash '.$line['flash_version']); } else { $DataSet->AddPoint($line['total'], $Serie="Serie1", 'None'); } } $DataSet->AddSerie("Serie1"); $colors_needed = count($flash); //create color pallette $this->pChart->setColorPalette(0, 143, 197, 0); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(1, 97, 77, 63); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(2, 23, 123, 159); $this->pChart->setColorPalette(3, 97, 113, 63); for ($i=4; $i<$colors_needed+1; $i++){ $this->pChart->setColorPalette($i, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255)); } //dynamic height $extra_height = (count($flash)-5)*12; $extra_height = $extra_height > 0 ? $extra_height : 0; //init graph $graph = $this->pChart->makepChart(320,260+$extra_height); $this->pChart->drawBackground(102, 102, 102); $this->pChart->setFontProperties(QOOB_PATH."/utils/pCharts/fonts/tahoma.ttf", 7); //draw pie graph $this->pChart->setFontProperties(QOOB_PATH."/utils/pCharts/fonts/tahoma.ttf", 7); $this->pChart->drawPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 157, 80, 100, PIE_PERCENTAGE, TRUE, 50, 20, 5, 2); //draw legend $this->pChart->setFontProperties(QOOB_PATH."/utils/pCharts/fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8); $this->pChart->drawPieLegend(128, 180, $DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 200, 200, 200); //render & display $this->pChart->Render(QOOB_ROOT."/cache/flash.png"); $html = ""; } break; } die($html); break; case 'pages': $range = getRequest("range", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $limit = getRequest("limit", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); switch ($range) { case 1: $starttime = strtotime('-1 month'); break; case 2: $starttime = strtotime('-6 months'); break; case 3: $starttime = strtotime('-1 year'); break; case 4: default: $starttime = 0; break; } switch ($limit) { case 1: $limit = 10; break; case 2: $limit = 25; break; case 3: $limit = 50; break; case 4: $limit = 75; break; case 5: $limit = 100; break; case 6: default: $limit = 0; break; } $sm = $this->model("statsModel"); $resources = $sm->resource($starttime, time(), $limit); if(!isset($resources[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } $html = '

'; foreach ($resources as $resource) { //clean up urls for display $url = $resource['resource']; if($url != QOOB_DOMAIN && $url != BASE_URL) { $url = str_replace('www.', '', $url); $url = str_replace(BASE_URL, '', $url); $url = str_replace('?/', '', $url); } $url = str_replace('http://', '', $url); $url = rtrim($url, '/'); $url = ltrim($url, '/'); if($url != '') { $url = strlen($url) > 28 ? substr($url, 0, 28).'...' : $url; $html .= ''; } } die($html); break; case 'referrers': $range = getRequest("range", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $limit = getRequest("limit", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); switch ($range) { case 1: $starttime = strtotime('-1 month'); break; case 2: $starttime = strtotime('-6 months'); break; case 3: $starttime = strtotime('-1 year'); break; case 4: default: $starttime = 0; break; } switch ($limit) { case 1: $limit = 10; break; case 2: $limit = 25; break; case 3: $limit = 50; break; case 4: $limit = 75; break; case 5: $limit = 100; break; case 6: default: $limit = 0; break; } $sm = $this->model("statsModel"); $referrers = $sm->referrers($starttime, time(), $limit); if(!isset($referrers[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } $html = '

'; foreach ($referrers as $domain) { if(trim($domain['domain']) != '' && trim($domain['domain']) != 'unknown') { $html .= '
'; } } die($html); break; case 'locations': $range = getRequest("range", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $view = getRequest("view", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); switch ($range) { case 1: $starttime = strtotime('-1 month'); break; case 2: $starttime = strtotime('-6 months'); break; case 3: $starttime = strtotime('-1 year'); break; case 4: default: $starttime = 0; break; } $sm = $this->model("statsModel"); $locations = $sm->location($starttime, time()); if(!isset($locations[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } if($view == 1) { $html = '

'; foreach ($locations as $country) { $html .= '
'; } } else { $html = 'display locations image...'; } die($html); break; case 'searches': $range = getRequest("range", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $limit = getRequest("limit", "post", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); switch ($range) { case 1: $starttime = strtotime('-1 month'); break; case 2: $starttime = strtotime('-6 months'); break; case 3: $starttime = strtotime('-1 year'); break; case 4: default: $starttime = 0; break; } switch ($limit) { case 1: $limit = 10; break; case 2: $limit = 25; break; case 3: $limit = 50; break; case 4: $limit = 75; break; case 5: $limit = 100; break; case 6: default: $limit = 0; break; } $sm = $this->model("statsModel"); $searches = $sm->searches($starttime, time(), $limit); if(!isset($searches[0])) { die('
No data to display
'); } //regex for finding search terms in the url $pattern1 = '/[;|\?][p|q](uery)?=(.*?)([\?|;|&])/'; $pattern2 = '/[;|\?][p|q]=([^&].*)([\?|;|&])?/'; $pattern3 = '/[;|\?]search(for)?=(.*?)([\?|;|&])/'; $terms = array(); $term = null; foreach ($searches as $search) { preg_match($pattern1, $search['referer'], $q_terms); if(count($q_terms)>0 && trim($q_terms[2]) != '') { $term = $q_terms[2]; } else { preg_match($pattern2, $search['referer'], $q_terms); if(count($q_terms)>0 && trim($q_terms[1]) != '') { $term = $q_terms[1]; } else { preg_match($pattern3, $search['referer'], $q_terms); if(count($q_terms)>0 && trim($q_terms[2]) != '') { $term = $q_terms[2]; } } } $term = preg_replace('/\%2F/i', '/', $term); $term = preg_replace('/\%2B/i', '+', $term); $term = preg_replace('/\%2C/i', ',', $term); $term = preg_replace('/\%3D/i', '=', $term); $term = preg_replace('/\%3F/i', '?', $term); $term = preg_replace('/\%3A/i', ':', $term); //$term = preg_replace('/\%3B/i', ';', $term); $term = preg_replace('/\%3B/i', ' ', $term); $term = preg_replace('/%uF076/', '', $term); $term = preg_replace('/\%u([0-9a-z]{4})/i', '&#x$1;', $term); // converts #uNNNN to UTF character $term = trim($term); if(count($term)>0 && $term != null) { if(!array_key_exists(strtolower($term), $terms)) { $terms[strtolower($term)] = array(1,array($search['auto_id'])); } else { $terms[strtolower($term)][0] += 1; array_push($terms[strtolower($term)][1], $search['auto_id']); } } } arsort($terms); $term_keys = array_keys($terms); if(count($term_keys) == 0) { die('
No data to display
'); } $html = '
Search Term

'; if($limit == 0) { $limit = count($term_keys); } $i = 0; foreach($term_keys as $term) { if($i < $limit) { $theTerm = strlen($term) > 28 ? substr($term, 0, 28).'...' : $term; $html .= '
'; } $i++; } die($html); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown stat type", 404); break; } break; default: throw new Exception("Bad SubMethod", 404); break; } } } } //___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // EOF ?>