* @copyright (cc) creative commons - attribution-shareAlike 3.0 unported * @version 2.14 * @package app * @subpackage controllers */ final class blog extends controller { /** * index function * load the newest blog posts */ public function index() { $page = 0; if(isset(library::catalog()->url[2])) { $page = (int)filter_var(library::catalog()->url[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); } $content = $this->model("blogModel"); $count = $content->getTotalPostCount(); $limit = library::catalog()->posts_per_page; $offset = ($page == 0) ? 0 : (($page * $limit) - $limit); if($page == 0) { $page++; } $total = ceil($count[0]["total"] / $limit); $posts = $content->getPosts($offset, $limit); // --- create html array for rendering $html = array(); $html["selected"] = 'blog'; $html["body"] = ''; $html["script"] = ' SyntaxHighlighter.defaults.toolbar = false;'.PHP_EOL.' SyntaxHighlighter.all();'.PHP_EOL; $html["script"].= $this->view('initShadowboxJS', array(), true); $html['jsfiles'] = ''.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL; $html["title"] = ($page > 1) ? 'blog page '.$page : 'blog'; $html["sidebar"] = ''; $html["comments"] = false; $html["canonicalNow"] = ($page == 1) ? '' : 'all posts page : '.$page; $html["canonicalBack"] = ($page > 1) ? '< < next posts' : ''; $html["canonicalNext"] = ($page == $total) ? '' : 'previous posts > > '; $canonicalStartTitle = 'all posts page 1'; $canonicalStartURL = QOOB_DOMAIN.'blog/page/1'; $canonicalBackTitle = 'all posts page '.($page-1); $canonicalBackURL = ($page > 1) ? QOOB_DOMAIN.'blog/page/'.($page-1) : ''; $canonicalNextTitle = 'all posts page '.($page+1); $canonicalNextURL = ($page == $total) ? '' : QOOB_DOMAIN.'blog/page/'.($page+1); $canonicalURL = QOOB_DOMAIN.'blog/page/'.$page; $html["meta"] = "".PHP_EOL; $html["meta"].= " ".PHP_EOL; $html["meta"].= " ".PHP_EOL; if($canonicalBackURL != '') { $html["meta"].= " ".PHP_EOL; } if($canonicalNextURL != '') { $html["meta"].= " ".PHP_EOL; } // --- display page if(isset($posts[0])) { for ($i=0; $igetPostCats($posts[$i]["post_id"]); $tags = $content->getPostTags($posts[$i]["post_id"]); if(isset($cats[0])) { $id = (int)$cats[0]["blog_cat_id"]; $cat = $content->getCatByID($id); $mainCat = isset($cat[0]) ? $cat[0]["url"] : "uncategorized"; } else { $mainCat = "uncategorized"; } $catlist = ''; if(is_array($cats)) { for ($x = 0; $x < count($cats); $x++) { $id = (int)$cats[$x]["blog_cat_id"]; if($id != $cats[$x]["blog_cat_id"]) { $cat = $content->getCatByID($id); $catlist.= ''.$cat[0]["name"].' / '.$cats[$x]["name"].''; } else { $catlist.= ''.$cats[$x]["name"].''; } if($x < count($cats)-1) { $catlist.= ', '; } } } $taglist = ''; if(is_array($tags)) { for ($x = 0; $x < count($tags); $x++) { $taglist.= ''; if($x < count($tags)-1) { $taglist.= ', '; } } } $meta = array( "day" => date("d", $posts[$i]["date"]), "month" => date("M", $posts[$i]["date"]), "year" => date("Y", $posts[$i]["date"]), "cats" => ($catlist == '') ? $mainCat : $catlist, "tags" => $taglist, "comments" => $posts[$i]["comments"], "trackbacks" => "0" ); $metabox = $this->view("blog/post_meta", $meta, true); $excerptContent = html_entity_decode($posts[$i]["excerpt"]); if($posts[$i]["excerpt"] != $posts[$i]["content"]) { $excerptContent.= 'Read: '.$posts[$i]["title"].' »'; } $post = array( 'mainCat' => $mainCat, 'url' => 'blog/'.$posts[$i]["url"], 'title' => $posts[$i]["title"], 'subtitle' => $posts[$i]["subtitle"], 'content' => $excerptContent.$metabox, 'comments' => 0 ); $html["body"] .= $this->view("post", $post, true).'
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SyntaxHighlighter.all();'.PHP_EOL; $html["script"].= $this->view('initShadowboxJS', array(), true); $html['jsfiles'] = ''.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL.' '.PHP_EOL; $html["sidebar"] = ''; $html["title"] = ($subid > 0) ? 'blog/categories/'.$catName.'/'.$subName.'/' : 'blog/category/'.$catName.'/'; $html["title"].= ($page > 1) ? 'page '.$page : ''; $html["comments"] = false; $html["canonicalNow"] = ($subid > 0) ? 'category: '.$catName.' / '.$subName.'' : 'category: '.$catName.''; $html["canonicalBack"] = ($page > 1) ? '< < next posts' : ''; $html["canonicalNext"] = ($page == $total) ? '' : 'previous posts > > '; $canonicalStartTitle = 'posts from the category: '; $canonicalStartTitle .= ($subid > 0) ? $catName.' - '.$subName.' page 1' : $catName.' page 1'; $canonicalStartURL = $url.'page/1'; $canonicalBackTitle = 'posts from the category: '; $canonicalBackTitle .= ($subid > 0) ? $catName.' - '.$subName.' page '.($page-1) : $catName.' page '.($page-1); $canonicalBackURL = ($page > 1) ? $url.'page/'.($page-1) : ''; $canonicalNextTitle = 'posts from the category: '; $canonicalNextTitle = ($subid > 0) ? $catName.' - '.$subName.' page '.($page+1) : $catName.' page '.($page+1); $canonicalNextURL = ($page == $total) ? 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