open qoob framework ------------------- the qoob is a semi-RESTful php api framework designed to simplify and expedite the process of creating dynamic web applications. ### THE QOOB IS CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND IS SUPER BETA! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! ```text MM. MNNNN. MM...NMN. MN......ONN MN.......ZN MN.......ZN MNZ......ZN MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMM ,ND."MND...ON MM MM MM MM MM MMM MM MM ,NNN..NN. "MNDON MM MM MM MM MM MM MM ,NNN.......DNN. "ON MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MM MM NNM..............NNM MM ,N N. "NN7........ONN" ,N MM MM ,NNNN NNNN."ONN...ZNN" ,NMON MM MM ,NNI..ON NO...NN. "NN" ,NN...MN MM NN......ON NZ......NN INN......MN MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM N.......ON NZ.......N $N.......MN MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM N.......ZN N$.......N $N.......MN MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM N.......MN NN.......N $N.......MN MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM N....NN$" "NN....N $N....NN",ON. MM N.NNN" "N..N $N..N" ,MN...MN. MM NI" "N $N" ,NM........"MM. MM MM...............MM "MMM.........MNM" "MMN...NMM" "NMM" ``` ##DOCS (wip) - [version](#version) - [requirements](#requirements) - [getting started](#getting-started) - [config](#config) - [loading classes](#loading-classes) - [routing](#routing) - [templates](#templates) ##version this is actually version 2.x of the open qoob framework and is a complete rewrite from the ground up. if you're looking for the legacy versions, they are archived here: - Framework: - CMS: ##requirements - PHP 5.1.2 - apache mod_rewrite ##getting started to load the open qoob into memory in your index.php call: ```php5 $qoob = require('qoob/open_qoob.php'); ``` to get your qoob reference in any other class call: ```php5 $qoob = qoob::open(); ``` ##config INI files can be used to load configuration variables into the library. pass the location of the file to the `config` method to load it. ```php $qoob->config('qoob/api/config.ini.php'); ``` variables in the file will be added to the library with the CONFIG pseudo namespace. ``` somevar="something" ``` ``` CONFIG.somevar ``` sections in INI files will become a second level namespace in syntax. ``` [general] somevar="something" ``` ``` CONFIG.GENERAL.somevar ``` ###best practice i suggest naming INI files with a .php extension and adding `;mark('name'); ``` it is also possible to load a class *into* the open qoob framework and have it be addressable via `$this->classname` internally or `$qoob->classname` externally. you accomplish with with the qoob `load` method, which is also namespace aware. ```php5 $this->load('qoob\utils\benchmark'); $this->benchmark->mark('name'); ``` **note:** the load method will strip off the namespace and create a public variable from the name of the class only. ##routing the qoob has it's own routing system. routes map urls and requests to either anonymous functions or class methods. ###closure style callbacks when this route is requested the anonymous function will be called. ```php5 $qoob->route('GET /home', function() { echo '

open qoob

this is the home page.

'; }); ``` ###class method callbacks when this route is requested an instance of the `some_class` will be created and its `some_method` will be called. ```php5 $qoob->route('GET /something', 'some_class->some_method'); ``` route patterns have 2 required parts and one optional one. - __HTTP verb__ - `GET`, `HEAD`, `POST`, `PUT`, `PATCH`, `DELETE`, or `CONNECT` - __URI pattern__ - e.g. `/home`, `/user/42`, `/blog/page/9`, `/test/:arg`, etc - __request type__ - `[SYNC]` or `[AJAX]` *optional* you can create URI argument variables with `:name` syntax. the results of which are passed to your callback function at run time. ```php5 $qoob->route('GET /user/:id', function($args){ echo "user id: ".$args['id']; }); ``` ```php5 $qoob->route('POST /date/:month/:day/:year', function($args){ echo "data for date: ".$args['month'].'//'.$args['day'].'//'.$args['year']; }); ``` you can also create valid routes for mulitple HTTP verbs (e.g. GET or POST) ```php5 $qoob->route('GET|POST /hello', function($args){ echo "hello word!"; }); ``` using the optional request type allows you to handle the same route in two different methods depending on the context. use either the SYNC or AJAX keyword wrapped in square brackets. if a request type is not supplied SYNC is assumed by default. say you have a method that needs to return data in HTML for a synchronous (SYNC) request and JSON for an asynchronous (AJAX) request: ```php5 $qoob->route('GET /info [SYNC]', 'request_types->sync'); ``` ```php5 $qoob->route('GET /info [AJAX]', 'request_types->ajax'); ``` ##templates the qoob uses it's own "mustache style" template engine. this engine is very simple compared to other [fully featured mustache implementations]( ###loading a template load the 'stache' template engine. then call the stache->render function. the function has two mandatory and one optional arguments: - filename [string] : template file name (minus .html extension) - data [array] : name value pairs to replace in the template file - return [boolean] : auto echo on false, return string on true (default = false) here's an example: ```php5 $this->qoob->load('qoob\core\view\stache'); $this->qoob->stache->render( 'templateFileName', array( 'name' => 'value', 'generator'=> 'open qoob' ) ); ``` ###creating a template creating stache templates are as simple as creating html ones, you simply replace any dynamic value with a mustache variable! but templates are not limited to html. they could be emails, xml, excel, or anything else! here's an example: ```xml {{title}}



``` ###mustache types there are four types of mustaches that the qoob currently supports: - {{var_name}} : regular variable (escaped) - {{&unescaped}} : an unescaped variable (may contain html) - {{!ignored}} : a variable that will not be rendered - {{#required}} : required variables will throw exceptions if not set **note:** any non-required variable will be replaced with an empty string if not set by the render function.