function loadTool(editor, toolbar) { "use strict"; function File(bytes) { var pos, SAUCE_ID, COMNT_ID, commentCount; SAUCE_ID = new Uint8Array([0x53, 0x41, 0x55, 0x43, 0x45]); COMNT_ID = new Uint8Array([0x43, 0x4F, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x54]); // Returns an 8-bit byte at the current byte position, <pos>. Also advances <pos> by a single byte. Throws an error if we advance beyond the length of the array. this.get = function () { if (pos >= bytes.length) { throw "Unexpected end of file reached."; } return bytes[pos++]; }; // Same as get(), but returns a 16-bit byte. Also advances <pos> by two (8-bit) bytes. this.get16 = function () { var v; v = this.get(); return v + (this.get() << 8); }; // Same as get(), but returns a 32-bit byte. Also advances <pos> by four (8-bit) bytes. this.get32 = function () { var v; v = this.get(); v += this.get() << 8; v += this.get() << 16; return v + (this.get() << 24); }; // Exactly the same as get(), but returns a character symbol, instead of the value. e.g. 65 = "A". this.getC = function () { return String.fromCharCode(this.get()); }; // Returns a string of <num> characters at the current file position, and strips the trailing whitespace characters. Advances <pos> by <num> by calling getC(). this.getS = function (num) { var string; string = ""; while (num-- > 0) { string += this.getC(); } return string.replace(/\s+$/, ''); }; // Returns "true" if, at the current <pos>, a string of characters matches <match>. Does not increment <pos>. this.lookahead = function (match) { var i; for (i = 0; i < match.length; ++i) { if ((pos + i === bytes.length) || (bytes[pos + i] !== match[i])) { break; } } return i === match.length; }; // Returns an array of <num> bytes found at the current <pos>. Also increments <pos>. = function (num) { var t; t = pos; // If num is undefined, return all the bytes until the end of file. num = num || this.size - pos; while (++pos < this.size) { if (--num === 0) { break; } } return bytes.subarray(t, pos); }; // Sets a new value for <pos>. Equivalent to seeking a file to a new position. = function (newPos) { pos = newPos; }; // Returns the value found at <pos>, without incrementing <pos>. this.peek = function (num) { num = num || 0; return bytes[pos + num]; }; // Returns the the current position being read in the file, in amount of bytes. i.e. <pos>. this.getPos = function () { return pos; }; // Returns true if the end of file has been reached. <this.size> is set later by the SAUCE parsing section, as it is not always the same value as the length of <bytes>. (In case there is a SAUCE record, and optional comments). this.eof = function () { return pos === this.size; }; // Seek to the position we would expect to find a SAUCE record. pos = bytes.length - 128; // If we find "SAUCE". if (this.lookahead(SAUCE_ID)) { this.sauce = {}; // Read "SAUCE". this.getS(5); // Read and store the various SAUCE values. this.sauce.version = this.getS(2); // String, maximum of 2 characters this.sauce.title = this.getS(35); // String, maximum of 35 characters = this.getS(20); // String, maximum of 20 characters = this.getS(20); // String, maximum of 20 characters = this.getS(8); // String, maximum of 8 characters this.sauce.fileSize = this.get32(); // unsigned 32-bit this.sauce.dataType = this.get(); // unsigned 8-bit this.sauce.fileType = this.get(); // unsigned 8-bit this.sauce.tInfo1 = this.get16(); // unsigned 16-bit this.sauce.tInfo2 = this.get16(); // unsigned 16-bit this.sauce.tInfo3 = this.get16(); // unsigned 16-bit this.sauce.tInfo4 = this.get16(); // unsigned 16-bit // Initialize the comments array. this.sauce.comments = []; commentCount = this.get(); // unsigned 8-bit this.sauce.flags = this.get(); // unsigned 8-bit if (commentCount > 0) { // If we have a value for the comments amount, seek to the position we'd expect to find them... pos = bytes.length - 128 - (commentCount * 64) - 5; // ... and check that we find a COMNT header. if (this.lookahead(COMNT_ID)) { // Read COMNT ... this.getS(5); // ... and push everything we find after that into our <this.sauce.comments> array, in 64-byte chunks, stripping the trailing whitespace in the getS() function. while (commentCount-- > 0) { this.sauce.comments.push(this.getS(64)); } } } } // Seek back to the start of the file, ready for reading. pos = 0; if (this.sauce) { // If we have found a SAUCE record, and the fileSize field passes some basic sanity checks... if (this.sauce.fileSize > 0 && this.sauce.fileSize < bytes.length) { // Set <this.size> to the value set in SAUCE. this.size = this.sauce.fileSize; } else { // If it fails the sanity checks, just assume that SAUCE record can't be trusted, and set <this.size> to the position where the SAUCE record begins. this.size = bytes.length - 128; } } else { // If there is no SAUCE record, assume that everything in <bytes> relates to an image. this.size = bytes.length; } } function ScreenData(width) { var imageData, maxY, pos; function binColor(ansiColor) { switch (ansiColor) { case 4: return 1; case 6: return 3; case 1: return 4; case 3: return 6; case 12: return 9; case 14: return 11; case 9: return 12; case 11: return 14; default: return ansiColor; } } this.reset = function () { imageData = new Uint8Array(width * 100 * 3); maxY = 0; pos = 0; }; this.reset(); function extendImageData(y) { var newImageData; newImageData = new Uint8Array(width * (y + 100) * 3 + imageData.length); newImageData.set(imageData, 0); imageData = newImageData; } this.set = function (x, y, charCode, fg, bg) { pos = (y * width + x) * 3; if (pos >= imageData.length) { extendImageData(y); } imageData[pos] = charCode; imageData[pos + 1] = binColor(fg); imageData[pos + 2] = binColor(bg); if (y > maxY) { maxY = y; } }; this.getData = function () { return imageData.subarray(0, width * (maxY + 1) * 3); }; this.getHeight = function () { return maxY + 1; }; this.rowLength = width * 3; } function loadAnsi(bytes) { var file, escaped, escapeCode, j, code, values, columns, imageData, topOfScreen, x, y, savedX, savedY, foreground, background, bold, blink, inverse, output; file = new File(bytes); function resetAttributes() { foreground = 7; background = 0; bold = false; blink = false; inverse = false; } resetAttributes(); function newLine() { x = 1; if (y === 26 - 1) { ++topOfScreen; } else { ++y; } } function setPos(newX, newY) { x = Math.min(columns, Math.max(1, newX)); y = Math.min(26, Math.max(1, newY)); } x = 1; y = 1; topOfScreen = 0; escapeCode = ""; escaped = false; columns = 80; imageData = new ScreenData(columns); function getValues() { return escapeCode.substr(1, escapeCode.length - 2).split(";").map(function (value) { var parsedValue; parsedValue = parseInt(value, 10); return isNaN(parsedValue) ? 1 : parsedValue; }); } while (!file.eof()) { code = file.get(); if (escaped) { escapeCode += String.fromCharCode(code); if ((code >= 65 && code <= 90) || (code >= 97 && code <= 122)) { escaped = false; values = getValues(); if (escapeCode.charAt(0) === "[") { switch (escapeCode.charAt(escapeCode.length - 1)) { case "A": // Up cursor. y = Math.max(1, y - values[0]); break; case "B": // Down cursor. y = Math.min(26 - 1, y + values[0]); break; case "C": // Forward cursor. if (x === columns) { newLine(); } x = Math.min(columns, x + values[0]); break; case "D": // Backward cursor. x = Math.max(1, x - values[0]); break; case "H": // Set the cursor position by calling setPos(), first <y>, then <x>. if (values.length === 1) { setPos(1, values[0]); } else { setPos(values[1], values[0]); } break; case "J": // Clear screen. if (values[0] === 2) { x = 1; y = 1; imageData.reset(); } break; case "K": // Clear until the end of line. for (j = x - 1; j < columns; ++j) { imageData.set(j, y - 1 + topOfScreen, 0, 0); } break; case "m": // Attributes, work through each code in turn. for (j = 0; j < values.length; ++j) { if (values[j] >= 30 && values[j] <= 37) { foreground = values[j] - 30; } else if (values[j] >= 40 && values[j] <= 47) { background = values[j] - 40; } else { switch (values[j]) { case 0: // Reset attributes resetAttributes(); break; case 1: // Bold bold = true; break; case 5: // Blink blink = true; break; case 7: // Inverse inverse = true; break; case 22: // Bold off bold = false; break; case 25: // Blink off blink = false; break; case 27: // Inverse off inverse = false; break; } } } break; case "s": // Save the current <x> and <y> positions. savedX = x; savedY = y; break; case "u": // Restore the current <x> and <y> positions. x = savedX; y = savedY; break; } } escapeCode = ""; } } else { switch (code) { case 10: // Lone linefeed (LF). newLine(); break; case 13: // Carriage Return, and Linefeed (CRLF) if (file.peek() === 0x0A) {; newLine(); } break; case 26: // Ignore eof characters until the actual end-of-file, or sauce record has been reached. break; default: if (code === 27 && file.peek() === 0x5B) { escaped = true; } else { if (!inverse) { imageData.set(x - 1, y - 1 + topOfScreen, code, bold ? (foreground + 8) : foreground, background); } else { imageData.set(x - 1, y - 1 + topOfScreen, code, bold ? (background + 8) : background, foreground); } if (++x === columns + 1) { newLine(); } } } } } output = imageData.getData(); if (output.length > 80 * 100 * 3) { return output.subarray(0, 80 * 100 * 3 - 1); } else { return output; } } function init() { var modal, divFileZone, paragraph; divFileZone = ElementHelper.create("div", {"className": "file-zone"}); paragraph = ElementHelper.create("p", {"textContent": "Drag and drop an ANSi file here."}); function dismiss() { modal.remove(); editor.startListening(); toolbar.startListening(); } divFileZone.addEventListener('dragover', function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"; }, false); divFileZone.addEventListener('drop', function (evt) { var reader; evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); if (evt.dataTransfer.files.length) { reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (data) { editor.clearImage(); editor.image.set(loadAnsi(new Uint8Array(, 0); editor.clearUndoHistory(); editor.redraw(); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(evt.dataTransfer.files[0]); dismiss(); } }, false); modal = modalBox(); divFileZone.appendChild(paragraph); modal.addPanel(divFileZone); modal.addButton("cancel", {"textContent": "Cancel", "href": "#", "onclick": function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); dismiss(); }}); editor.stopListening(); toolbar.stopListening(); modal.init(); return false; } function toString() { return "Load"; } return { "init": init, "toString": toString, "uid": "load" }; }