read me
# miasma.nvim ☁️
a color scheme for `{neo,}vim` inspired by the woods, built using [lush]( 👄
supports treesitter, gitsigns, lazy, which-key, telescope, lsp diagnostics, and more.

┛ ┇┇┛ ┇━━┛┛ ┇┛ ┇
a fog descends upon your editor
## flavors
this theme is available in a classic vim compatible format, optimized lua, and a development lua version. you can install different flavors by using the corresponding branches:
* [main]( - classic vim version
* lua - optimized lua version (coming soon)
* [dev]( - development lua version
for speed and greatest compatibility, use the main branch.
## installation
using `lazy`
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = function()
vim.cmd("colorscheme miasma")
using `plug`
Plug 'xero/miasma.nvim'
colorscheme miasma
using `packer`
use {"xero/miasma.nvim"}
vim.cmd("colorscheme miasma")
## usage
set the color scheme with the builtin command `:colorscheme`
## customization
this theme is built with `lush.nvim`, so customizations are quite easy.
first, checkout the [dev]( branch `git fetch origin dev && git checkout dev`, open the lua theme `nvim lua/lush_theme/miasma.lua` and execute `:Lushify`. then adjust colors to suit your taste with real-time feedback. checkout [the dev branch readme]( for details on building the optimized colorscheme. lots more details on using `lush` in [their repo](
## extras
this theme has been ported to a few different apps, and are included in the `extras` directory:
* `miasma.Xresources` - colors for [xclients]( (e.g. unix terminal emulators)
* `miasma.itermcolors` - colors for [iterm2](
* `miasma.zsh` - colors for [zsh](
* `miasma.yml` - colors for [alacritty](
more on the way, and pr's for others are welcomed!
# license

all files and scripts in this repo are released [CC0]( / [kopimi](! in the spirit of _freedom of information_, i encourage you to fork, modify, change, share, or do whatever you like with this project! `^c^v`