import { db, isEmpty, quit } from "./db.js"; /* ___ _ _ __ * | \_/ |_) |_ (_ * | | | |_ __) */ export type BlogCats = { blog_cat_id: number; name: string; url: string; }[]; export type BlogTags = { tag_id: number; name: string; url: string; count: number; }[]; export type BlogMeta = { main: BlogCats; base: BlogCats; cats: BlogCats; tags: BlogTags; }; export type BlogPost = { post_id: number; url: string; title: string; subtitle: string; excerpt: string; content: string; date: number; live: number; meta: BlogMeta; }[]; /* _ _ ___ _ __ * |_ | | |\ | / | | / \ |\ | (_ * | |_| | \| \_ | | \_/ | \| __) */ const getPostsRange = (limit: number, offset: number): BlogPost => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT * FROM blog_posts WHERE live = 1 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $offset, $limit; `, ) .all({ $limit: limit, $offset: offset }); return results; }; export const getPost = (post_url: string): BlogPost => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT post_id, url, title, subtitle, excerpt, content, date, live FROM blog_posts WHERE url = $post_url LIMIT 1; `, ) .all({ $post_url: post_url }); return results; }; export const getPostCats = (post_id: number): BlogCats => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT c.blog_cat_id,, c.url FROM blog_meta m INNER JOIN blog_categories c ON m.meta_val = c.blog_cat_id WHERE m.blog_id = $post_id AND m.meta_key = "category"; `, ) .all({ $post_id: post_id }); if (isEmpty(results)) { return [ { blog_cat_id: 0, name: "uncategorized", url: "uncategorized", }, ]; } return results; }; export const getMainCat = (cat_id: number, parent:boolean): BlogCats => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT blog_cat_id, name, url FROM blog_categories WHERE blog_cat_id = $cat_id LIMIT 0,1; `, ) .all({ $cat_id: parent ? Math.floor(cat_id) : cat_id }); if (isEmpty(results)) { return [ { blog_cat_id: 0, name: "uncategorized", url: "uncategorized", }, ]; } return results; }; export const getPostTags = (post_id: number): BlogTags => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT t.tag_id,, t.url, t.tag_count as count FROM blog_meta m INNER JOIN blog_tags t ON m.meta_val = t.tag_id WHERE m.blog_id = $post_id AND m.meta_key = 'tag'; `, ) .all({ $post_id: post_id }); if (isEmpty(results)) { return [ { tag_id: 0, name: "", url: "", count: 0, }, ]; } return results; }; export const getCategories = (): BlogCats => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT blog_cat_id, name, url FROM blog_categories ORDER BY blog_cat_id ASC; `, ) .all({}); if (isEmpty(results)) { return [ { blog_cat_id: 0, name: "uncategorized", url: "uncategorized", }, ]; } return results; }; export const getCategoryByID = (cat_id: number): BlogCats => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT blog_cat_id, name, url FROM blog_categories WHERE blog_cat_id = $cat_id LIMIT 1; `, ) .all({ $cat_id: cat_id }); return results; }; export const getTags = (): BlogTags => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT tag_id, name, url, tag_count as count FROM blog_tags ORDER BY url ASC; `, ) .all({}); if (isEmpty(results)) { return [ { tag_id: 0, name: "untagged", url: "untagged", count: 0, }, ]; } return results; }; export const getTotalPostCount = (): number => { const results = db .query( ` SELECT post_id AS total FROM blog_posts WHERE live = 1; `, ) .all({}); return results.length; }; export const getTotalPostCountByCat = (cat_id: number): number => { const results = db .query( ` SELECT DISTINCT(blog_id) FROM blog_meta WHERE meta_key = 'category' AND meta_val >= $greater AND meta_val < $less; `, ) .all({ $greater: cat_id, $less: cat_id + 1 }); return results.length; }; export const getTotalPostCountBySubCat = (subcat_id: number): number => { const results = db .query( ` SELECT DISTINCT(blog_id) FROM blog_meta WHERE meta_key = 'category' AND meta_val = $subcat_id; `, ) .all({ $subcat_id: subcat_id }); return results.length; }; export const getTotalPostCountByTag = (tag_id: number): number => { const results = db .query( ` SELECT blog_id as total FROM blog_meta WHERE meta_key = 'tag' AND meta_val = $tag_id; `, ) .all({ $tag_id: tag_id }); return results.length; }; export const getCatByName = (cat_name: string) => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT blog_cat_id FROM blog_categories WHERE url = $cat_name LIMIT 1; `, ) .all({ $cat_name: cat_name }); return parseFloat(results[0].blog_cat_id); }; export const getTagByName = (tag_name: string) => { const results: any = db .query( ` SELECT tag_id FROM blog_tags WHERE url = $tag_name LIMIT 1;", `, ) .all({ $tag_name: tag_name }); return parseInt(results[0].tag_id); }; const getPostsByCat = (cat_id: number, limit: number, offset: number) => { const results = db .query( ` SELECT p.post_id, p.url, p.title, p.subtitle, p.excerpt, p.content, FROM blog_meta as m INNER JOIN blog_posts as p ON m.blog_id = p.post_id WHERE m.meta_key = 'category' AND m.meta_val >= $greater AND m.meta_val < $less AND = 1 GROUP BY p.post_id ORDER BY DESC LIMIT $offset, $limit; `, ) .all({ $greater: cat_id, $less: cat_id + 1, $limit: limit, $offset: offset, }); return results; }; const getPostsBySubCat = (subcat_id: number, limit: number, offset: number) => { const results = db .query( ` SELECT p.post_id, p.url, p.title, p.subtitle, p.excerpt, p.content, FROM blog_meta as m INNER JOIN blog_posts as p ON m.blog_id = p.post_id WHERE m.meta_key = 'category' AND m.meta_val = $subcat_id AND = 1 GROUP BY p.post_id ORDER BY DESC LIMIT $offset, $limit; `, ) .all({ $subcat_id: subcat_id, $limit: limit, $offset: offset, }); return results; }; const getPostsByTag = (tag_id: number, limit: number, offset: number) => { const results = db .query( ` SELECT p.post_id, p.url, p.title, p.subtitle, p.excerpt, p.content, FROM blog_meta as m INNER JOIN blog_posts as p ON m.blog_id = p.post_id WHERE m.meta_key = 'tag' AND m.meta_val = $tag_id AND = 1 GROUP BY p.post_id ORDER BY DESC LIMIT $offset, $limit; `, ) .all({ $tag_id: tag_id, $limit: limit, $offset: offset, }); return results; }; /* _ _ _ _ ___ __ * |_ \/ |_) / \ |_) | (_ * |_ /\ | \_/ | \ | __) */ export const getPostByURL = (url: string): BlogPost => { let post = getPost(url); post.forEach((post) => { const cats = getPostCats(post.post_id); const tags = getPostTags(post.post_id); const main = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, true); const base = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, false); post.meta = { cats, tags, main, base }; }); return post; }; export const getPosts = (limit: number, offset: number): BlogPost => { let posts = getPostsRange(limit, offset); posts.forEach((post) => { const cats = getPostCats(post.post_id); const tags = getPostTags(post.post_id); const main = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, true); const base = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, false); post.meta = { cats, tags, main, base }; }); return posts; }; export const getPostsByCatID = ( cat_id: number, limit: number, offset: number, ) => { let posts = getPostsByCat(cat_id, limit, offset); posts.forEach((post: any) => { const cats = getPostCats(post.post_id); const tags = getPostTags(post.post_id); const main = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, true); const base = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, false); post.meta = { cats, tags, main, base }; }); return posts; }; export const getPostsBySubCatID = ( subcat_id: number, limit: number, offset: number, ) => { let posts = getPostsBySubCat(subcat_id, limit, offset); posts.forEach((post: any) => { const cats = getPostCats(post.post_id); const tags = getPostTags(post.post_id); const main = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, true); const base = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, false); post.meta = { cats, tags, main, base }; }); return posts; }; export const getPostsByTagID = ( tag_id: number, limit: number, offset: number, ) => { let posts = getPostsByTag(tag_id, limit, offset); posts.forEach((post: any) => { const cats = getPostCats(post.post_id); const tags = getPostTags(post.post_id); const main = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, true); const base = getMainCat(cats[0].blog_cat_id, false); post.meta = { cats, tags, main, base }; }); return posts; }; export { quit };