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glitchlock: a glitch art themed randomized lockscreen. powered by i3lock-color.

(note, the lock screen is **NOT** animated. this gif is just a few examples of it's random output)
## table of contents
* [about](#about)
* [how it works](#how-it-works)
* [security](#security)
* [requirements](#requirements)
* [customize](#customize)
* [more](#more)
* [license](#license)
### about
i do [glitch art]( for fun. i was messing around w/ one of my shell scripts and thought: this would make a cool lockscreen! after a bit of research and refactoring here we are.
### how it works
the script takes a screenshot, then datamoshes it. optionally overlays an image (one for each display) then uses that image as the background for the lockscreen.
### security
this lockscreen has the potential for information leakage, since it uses a screenshot of your active screen. i made this for fun and personal use, please take care and weigh your opsec and personal threat model before deciding to use this.
a workaround i like is setting up your screen very nicely w/o any secret info in it and taking a screenshot. then replace line #9 in the script (`scrot /tmp/lock.png`) with a command to move your pre-setup screenshot into place (e.g. `cp ~/lib/img/lock.png /tmp/lock.png`) then let the script randomly glitch that image out everytime.
### requirements
* i3lock-color
* the "ricing" fork of the lockscreen application
* scrot
* the premiere nix screen shot tool
* imagemagick
* image manipulation toolkit
if you're using arch they can all be installed from the community and aur repos:
`yaourt -S i3lock-color-git scrot imagemagick`
### customize
if called alone, the script will take a screenshot and glitch it. but you can optionally pass an environment variable named `GLITCHICON` to the app and it will center that image on each display and overlay it on the glitched image.
an example of calling the script on `MOD4+ESC` using [sxhkd](
# lockscreen
mod4 + Escape
GLITCHICON=/home/x0/src/glitchlock/stop.png /home/x0/bin/glitchlock
### more
## license

[kopimi](! in the spirit of _freedom of information_, i encourage you to fork, modify, change, share, or do whatever you like with this project! `^c^v`