<?php header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"); ?>flf2a 1 1 10 -1 16 B1FF by Joe Rumsey 12/94 based on Terminal by Glenn Chappell Includes characters 128-255 figlet release 2.1 -- 12 Aug 1994 Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the modifier's name is placed on a comment line. Explanation of first line: flf2 - "magic number" for file identification a - should always be `a', for now - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed 1 - height of a character 1 - height of a character, not including descenders 10 - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor -1 - default smushmode for this font 16 - number of comment lines @ !@ "@ #@ $@ %@ &@ '@ (@ )@ *@ +@ ,@ -@ .@ /@ 0@ 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 9@ :@ ;@ <@ =@ >@ ?@ @# /-\@ |3@ (@ |)@ 3@ F@ 6@ H@ 1@ _/@ /<@ |_@ /\/\@ /\/@ 0@ P@ Q@ R@ 5@ T@ |_|@ \/@ \/\/@ X@ Y@ Z@ [@ \@ ]@ ^@ _@ `@ /-\@ |3@ (@ |)@ 3@ F@ 6@ H@ 1@ _/@ /<@ |_@ /\/\@ /\/@ 0@ P@ Q@ R@ 5@ T@ |_|@ \/@ \/\/@ X@ Y@ Z@ {@ |@ }@ ~@ �@ �@ �@ �@ �@ �@ �@ 128 �@ 129 �@ 130 �@ 131 �@ 132 �@ 133 �@ 134 �@ 135 �@ 136 �@ 137 �@ 138 �@ 139 �@ 140 �@ 141 �@ 142 �@ 143 �@ 144 �@ 145 �@ 146 �@ 147 �@ 148 �@ 149 �@ 150 �@ 151 �@ 152 �@ 153 �@ 154 �@ 155 �@ 156 �@ 157 �@ 158 �@ 159 �@ 160 �@ 161 �@ 162 �@ 163 �@ 164 �@ 165 �@ 166 �@ 167 �@ 168 �@ 169 �@ 170 �@ 171 �@ 172 �@ 173 �@ 174 �@ 175 �@ 176 �@ 177 �@ 178 �@ 179 �@ 180 �@ 181 �@ 182 �@ 183 �@ 184 �@ 185 �@ 186 �@ 187 �@ 188 �@ 189 �@ 190 �@ 191 �@ 192 �@ 193 �@ 194 �@ 195 �@ 196 �@ 197 �@ 198 �@ 199 �@ 200 �@ 201 �@ 202 �@ 203 �@ 204 �@ 205 �@ 206 �@ 207 �@ 208 �@ 209 �@ 210 �@ 211 �@ 212 �@ 213 �@ 214 �@ 215 �@ 216 �@ 217 �@ 218 �@ 219 �@ 220 �@ 221 �@ 222 �@ 223 �@ 224 �@ 225 �@ 226 �@ 227 �@ 228 �@ 229 �@ 230 �@ 231 �@ 232 �@ 233 �@ 234 �@ 235 �@ 236 �@ 237 �@ 238 �@ 239 �@ 240 �@ 241 �@ 242 �@ 243 �@ 244 �@ 245 �@ 246 �@ 247 �@ 248 �@ 249 �@ 250 �@ 251 �@ 252 �@ 253 �@ 254 �@ 255 �@