#!/usr/bin/env bash # pipes.sh: Animated pipes terminal screensaver. # # This modified version is maintained at: # # https://github.com/pipeseroni/pipes.sh VERSION=1.2.0 M=32768 p=1 f=75 s=13 r=2000 t=0 w=80 h=24 resize() { w=$(tput cols) h=$(tput lines) } # ab -> idx = a*4 + b # 0: up, 1: right, 2: down, 3: left # 00 means going up , then going up -> ┃ # 12 means going right, then going down -> ┓ sets=( "┃┏ ┓┛━┓ ┗┃┛┗ ┏━" "│╭ ╮╯─╮ ╰│╯╰ ╭─" "│┌ ┐┘─┐ └│┘└ ┌─" "║╔ ╗╝═╗ ╚║╝╚ ╔═" "|+ ++-+ +|++ +-" "|/ \/-\ \|/\ /-" ".. .... .... .." ".o oo.o o.oo o." "-\ /\|/ /-\/ \|" # railway "╿┍ ┑┚╼┒ ┕╽┙┖ ┎╾" # knobby pipe ) v=() RNDSTART=0 BOLD=1 NOCOLOR=0 OPTIND=1 while getopts "p:t:f:s:r:RBChv" arg; do case $arg in p) ((p=(OPTARG>0)?OPTARG:p));; t) if [[ "$OPTARG" = c???????????????? ]]; then V+=(${#sets[@]}) sets+=("${OPTARG:1}") else ((OPTARG>=0 && OPTARG<${#sets[@]})) && V+=($OPTARG) fi ;; f) ((f=(OPTARG>19 && OPTARG<101)?OPTARG:f));; s) ((s=(OPTARG>4 && OPTARG<16 )?OPTARG:s));; r) ((r=(OPTARG>=0)?OPTARG:r));; R) RNDSTART=1;; B) BOLD=0;; C) NOCOLOR=1;; h) echo -e "Usage: $(basename $0) [OPTION]..." echo -e "Animated pipes terminal screensaver.\n" echo -e " -p [1-]\tnumber of pipes (D=1)." echo -e " -t [0-$((${#sets[@]} - 1))]\ttype of pipes, can be used more than once (D=0)." echo -e " -t c[16 chars]\tcustom type of pipes." echo -e " -f [20-100]\tframerate (D=75)." echo -e " -s [5-15]\tprobability of a straight fitting (D=13)." echo -e " -r LIMIT\treset after x characters, 0 if no limit (D=2000)." echo -e " -R \t\trandom starting point." echo -e " -B \t\tno bold effect." echo -e " -C \t\tno color." echo -e " -h\t\thelp (this screen)." echo -e " -v\t\tprint version number.\n" exit 0;; v) echo "$(basename -- "$0") $VERSION" exit 0 esac done # set default values if not by options ((${#V[@]})) || V=(0) cleanup() { # clear up standard input read -t 0.001 && cat /dev/null # terminal has no smcup and rmcup capabilities ((FORCE_RESET)) && reset && exit 0 tput rmcup tput cnorm stty echo ((NOCOLOR)) && echo -ne '\x1b[0m' exit 0 } trap resize SIGWINCH trap cleanup HUP TERM trap 'break 2' INT resize for (( i=1; i<=p; i++ )); do c[i]=$((i%8)) n[i]=0 l[i]=0 ((x[i]=RNDSTART==1?RANDOM*w/32768:w/2)) ((y[i]=RNDSTART==1?RANDOM*h/32768:h/2)) v[i]=${V[${#V[@]} * RANDOM / M]} done stty -echo tput smcup || FORCE_RESET=1 tput civis tput clear # any key press exits the loop and this script while REPLY=; read -t 0.0$((1000/f)) -n 1 2>/dev/null; [[ -z $REPLY ]] ; do for (( i=1; i<=p; i++ )); do # New position: ((${l[i]}%2)) && ((x[i]+=-${l[i]}+2,1)) || ((y[i]+=${l[i]}-1)) # Loop on edges (change color on loop): ((${x[i]}>=w||${x[i]}<0||${y[i]}>=h||${y[i]}<0)) && ((c[i]=RANDOM%8, v[i]=V[${#V[@]}*RANDOM/M])) ((x[i]=(x[i]+w)%w)) ((y[i]=(y[i]+h)%h)) # New random direction: ((n[i]=RANDOM%s-1)) ((n[i]=(${n[i]}>1||${n[i]}==0)?${l[i]}:${l[i]}+${n[i]})) ((n[i]=(${n[i]}<0)?3:${n[i]}%4)) # Print: tput cup ${y[i]} ${x[i]} echo -ne "\x1b[${BOLD}m" [[ $NOCOLOR == 0 ]] && echo -ne "\x1b[3${c[i]}m" echo -n "${sets[v[i]]:l[i]*4+n[i]:1}" l[i]=${n[i]} done ((r>0 && t*p>=r)) && tput reset && tput civis && t=0 || ((t++)) done cleanup