
custom linux config files managed with gnu stow



#compdef cmake

# Description
# -----------
#  Completion script for CMake (
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors
# -------
#  * Scott M. Kroll <>
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Notes
# -----
#   * By default only C and C++ languages are supported for compiler flag
#     variables. To define your own list of languages:
#       cmake_langs=('C'   'C'
#                    'CXX' 'C++')
#       zstyle ':completion:*:cmake:*' languages $cmake_langs
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

_cmake() {
  local context state line curcontext="$curcontext" cmake_args

  local cmake_help_actions;cmake_help_actions=(
    '(- 1)--help-command[Print help for a single command and exit]:command-name:_cmake_command_names'
    '(- 1)--help-command-list[List available listfile commands and exit]'
    '(- 1)--help-commands[Print help for all commands and exit]'
    '(- 1)--help-compatcommands[Print help for compatibility commands]'
    '(- 1)--help-module[Print help for compatibility commands]:module-name:_cmake_module_names'
    '(- 1)--help-module-list[Print help for a single module and exit]'
    '(- 1)--help-modules[Print help for all modules and exit]'
    '(- 1)--help-property[List available properties and exit]:property-name:_cmake_property_names'
    '(- 1)--help-property-list[List available properties and exit]'
    '(- 1)--help-properties[Print help for all properties and exit]'
    '(- 1)--help-variable[Print help for a single variable and exit]:variable-name:_cmake_variable_names'
    '(- 1)--help-variable-list[List documented variables and exit]'
    '(- 1)--help-variables[Print help for all variables and exit]'
    '(- 1)--copyright[Print the CMake copyright and exit]'
    '(- 1)'{--help,-help,-usage,-h,-H}'[Print usage information and exit]'
    '(- 1)--help-full[Print full help and exit]'
    '(- 1)--help-html[Print full help in HTML format]'
    '(- 1)--help-man[Print full help as a UNIX man page and exit]'
    '(- 1)'{--version,-version}'[Print full help as a UNIX man page and exit]'

  local cmake_build_options;cmake_build_options=(
    '-C[Pre-load a script to populate the cache]:script:_files'
    '*-D-[Create a cmake cache entry]:property:_cmake_define_property'
    '-U[Remove matching entries from CMake cache]:globbing expression'
    '-G[Specify a makefile generator]:generator:_cmake_generators'
    '-T[Specify toolset name if supported by generator]:toolset name'
    '(-Wno-dev -Wdev)-Wno-dev[Suppress developer warnings]'
    '(-Wno-dev -Wdev)-Wdev[Enable developer warnings]'
    '-i[Run in wizard mode]'
    '-L-[List cache variables]::_values "options" "[non-advanced cache variables]" "A[advanced cache variables]" "H[non-advanced cached variables with help]" "AH[advanced cache variables with help]"'
    '--trace[Put cmake in trace mode]'
    ':cmake project:_files -/'

  local cmake_command_actions;cmake_command_actions=(
    '-E[CMake command mode]:*:command'

  _arguments -C -s \
    - help \
      "$cmake_help_actions[@]" \
    - command \
      "$cmake_command_actions[@]" \
    - build_opts \
      "$cmake_build_options[@]" && return 0

# -------------------
# _cmake_command_names
# -------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_command_names] )) ||
_cmake_command_names() {
  local command_names; command_names=(${(f)"$($service --help-command-list 2> /dev/null)"})
  _values 'command name' ${command_names[@]:1} && return 0

# -----------------
# _cmake_list_names
# -----------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_list_names] )) ||
_cmake_list_names() {
  local command; command="$@[1]"
  local desc; desc="$@[2]"
  local list_names; list_names=(${(f)"$($service $command 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/\[/\[/' -e 's/\]/\]/')"})

  _values ${desc} ${list_names[@]:1} && return 0

# ------------------
# _cmake_module_names
# ------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_module_names] )) ||
_cmake_module_names() {
  _cmake_list_names '--help-module-list' 'module name' && return 0

# --------------------
# _cmake_property_names
# --------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_property_names] )) ||
_cmake_property_names() {
  _cmake_list_names '--help-property-list' 'property name' && return 0

# ---------------------
# _cmake_variable_names
# ---------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_variable_names] )) ||
_cmake_variable_names() {
  _cmake_list_names '--help-variable-list' 'variable name' && return 0

# ----------------------
# _cmake_define_property
# ----------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_define_property] )) ||
_cmake_define_property() {
  if compset -P '*='; then
    _wanted property-values expl 'property value' _cmake_define_property_values ${${IPREFIX%=}#-D} && return 0
    _wanted property-names expl 'property name' _cmake_define_property_names -qS= && return 0

# ----------------------------
# _cmake_define_property_names
# ----------------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_define_property_names] )) ||
_cmake_define_property_names() {
  local alternatives; alternatives=(
    'common-property-names:common property name:_cmake_define_common_property_names -qS='
  local -A cmake_langs
  zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:" languages cmake_langs
  [[ $#cmake_langs -eq 0 ]] && cmake_langs=('C' 'C' 'CXX' 'C++')

  for cmake_lang in ${(k)cmake_langs}; do
    alternatives+=("${cmake_lang//:/-}-property-names:${cmake_lang_desc} language property name:_cmake_define_lang_property_names -qS= ${cmake_lang} ${cmake_lang_desc}")

  _alternative "${alternatives[@]}"

# ---------------------------------
# _cmake_define_lang_property_names
# ---------------------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_define_lang_property_names] )) ||
_cmake_define_lang_property_names() {
  local cmake_lang="$@[-2]" cmake_lang_desc="$@[-1]"
  local properties; properties=(
    "CMAKE_${cmake_lang}_COMPILER:${cmake_lang_desc} compiler"
    "CMAKE_${cmake_lang}_FLAGS:${cmake_lang_desc} compiler flags for all builds"
    "CMAKE_${cmake_lang}_FLAGS_DEBUG:${cmake_lang_desc} compiler flags for all Debug build"
    "CMAKE_${cmake_lang}_FLAGS_RLEASE:${cmake_lang_desc} compiler flags for all Relase build"
    "CMAKE_${cmake_lang}_FLAGS_MINSIZREL:${cmake_lang_desc} compiler flags for all MinSizRel build"
    "CMAKE_${cmake_lang}_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO:${cmake_lang_desc} compiler flags for all RelWithDebInfo build"

  _describe -t "${cmake_lang//:/-}-property-names" "${cmake_lang_desc} property name" properties $@[0,-3] && return 0

# -----------------------------------
# _cmake_define_common_property_names
# -----------------------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_define_common_property_names] )) ||
_cmake_define_common_property_names() {
  local properties; properties=(
    'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:Specifies the build type for make based generators'
    'CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:Absolute or relative path to a cmake script which sets up toolchain related variables'
    'CMAKE_COLOR_MAKEFILE:Enables/disables color output when using the Makefile generator'
    'CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:Install directory used by install'

  _describe -t 'common-property-names' 'common property name' properties $@

# ----------------------------
# _cmake_define_property_values
# ----------------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_define_property_values] )) ||
_cmake_define_property_values() {
  local ret=1
  setopt localoptions extendedglob
  case $@[-1] in
    (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE)     _wanted build-types expl 'build type' _cmake_build_types && ret=0;;
    (CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) _wanted toolchain-files expl 'file' _cmake_toolchain_files && ret=0;;
    (CMAKE_COLOR_MAKEFILE) _wanted booleans expl 'boolean' _cmake_booleans && ret=0;;
    (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) _files -/ && ret=0;;
    (CMAKE_*_COMPILER)     _wanted compilers expl 'compiler' _cmake_compilers && ret=0;;
    (CMAKE_*_FLAGS(|_?*))  _message -e compiler-flags 'compiler flags' && ret=0;;
    (*)                    _files && ret=0;;

  return ret

# ------------------
# _cmake_build_types
# ------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_build_types] )) ||
_cmake_build_types() {
  local build_types; build_types=(
  _values 'build type' ${build_types[@]}

# -----------------
# _cmake_generators
# -----------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_generators] )) ||
_cmake_generators() {
  local generators; generators=(
    'Unix Makefiles'
    'CodeBlocks - Ninja'
    'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles'
    'Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja'
    'Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles'
    'KDevelop3 - Unix Makefiles'
    'Sublime Text 2 - Ninja'
    'Sublime Text 2 - Unix Makefiles'

  _describe -t generators 'generator' generators

# ----------------------
# _cmake_toolchain_files
# ----------------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_toolchain_files] )) ||
_cmake_toolchain_files() {
  _files -g '*\.cmake*'

# ---------------
# _cmake_booleans
# ---------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_booleans] )) ||
_cmake_booleans() {
  local booleans; booleans=(
  _describe -t booleans 'boolean' booleans

# ---------------
# _cmake_compilers
# ---------------
(( $+functions[_cmake_compilers] )) ||
_cmake_compilers() {
  _command_names -e

_cmake "$@"


raw zip tar