# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization * text=auto # The above will handle all files NOT found below # Documents *.bibtex text diff=bibtex *.doc diff=astextplain *.DOC diff=astextplain *.docx diff=astextplain *.DOCX diff=astextplain *.dot diff=astextplain *.DOT diff=astextplain *.pdf diff=astextplain *.PDF diff=astextplain *.rtf diff=astextplain *.RTF diff=astextplain *.md text diff=markdown *.mdx text diff=markdown *.tex text diff=tex *.adoc text *.textile text *.mustache text *.csv text eol=crlf *.tab text *.tsv text *.txt text *.sql text *.epub diff=astextplain # Graphics *.png binary *.jpg binary *.jpeg binary *.gif binary *.tif binary *.tiff binary *.ico binary *.svg text *.eps binary # Scripts *.bash text eol=lf *.fish text eol=lf *.sh text eol=lf *.zsh text eol=lf # These are explicitly windows files and should use crlf *.bat text eol=crlf *.cmd text eol=crlf *.ps1 text eol=crlf # Serialisation *.json text *.toml text *.xml text *.yaml text *.yml text # Archives *.7z binary *.gz binary *.tar binary *.tgz binary *.zip binary # Text files where line endings should be preserved *.patch -text # Exclude files from exporting .gitattributes export-ignore .gitignore export-ignore .gitkeep export-ignore