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package nu.xero.gfx {
// imports
import flash.display.*;
// class
public class bitmap2ascii extends Object {
// vars
public var resolution :Number = 0.025;
public var whiteThreshold :Number = 200;
public var blackThreshold :Number = 40;
static private const palette :String = "@#$%&8BMW*mwqpdbkhaoQ0OZXYUJCLtfjzxnuvcr[]{}1()|/?Il!i><+_~-;,. ";
// constructor
public function bitmap2ascii(res:Number = 0.025, white:Number = 200, black:Number = 40) {
resolution = res;
whiteThreshold = white;
blackThreshold = black;
// convert bitmap to ascii
public function convert(gfx:BitmapData):String {
var verticalRes:uint;
var horizontalRes:uint;
var rgb:uint;
var r:uint;
var g:uint;
var b:uint;
var gray:uint;
var char:uint;
var ascii:String;
var y:uint;
var x:uint;
ascii = "";
y = 0;
verticalRes = Math.floor(gfx.height * resolution);
horizontalRes = Math.floor(gfx.width * resolution * 0.45);
while (y < gfx.height) {
x = 0;
while (x < gfx.width) {
rgb = gfx.getPixel(x, y);
r = (rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16;
g = (rgb & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
b = (rgb & 0x0000ff);
gray = Math.floor(0.3 * r + 0.59 * g + 0.11 * b);
if (gray > whiteThreshold) {
gray = 0xff;
} else if (gray < blackThreshold) {
gray = 0x00;
} else {
gray = Math.floor(0xff * ((gray - blackThreshold) / (whiteThreshold - blackThreshold)));
char = Math.floor(gray / 4);
ascii += palette.charAt(char);
x += horizontalRes;
ascii = ascii + "\n";
y += verticalRes;
return ascii;
// end of file