
personal fork of the fast floating wm



A fast floating WM, with the particularity of having 2 borders, written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm written by Michael Cardell.<br>
In 2bWM everything is accessible from the keyboard but a pointing device can be used for move, resize and raise/lower.<br>
The name has recently changed from mcwm-beast to 2bwm<br>

You can check what mcwm already had here: <br>

When talking in size proportion, 2bwm binary is 28KB, when dwm bin is 33KB, dvtm 37KB, and i3 343KB.

raptor $ size /usr/local/bin/2bwm
    text   data    bss    dec    hex   filename
    24851  1904    664  27419   6b1b   /usr/local/bin/2bwm
raptor $ size /usr/bin/i3
    text    data    bss    dec    hex   filename
    284247  10020   5704 299971  493c3  /usr/bin/i3
raptor $ size /usr/local/bin/dwm
    text   data    bss    dec  hex   filename
    28802  1932    528  31262   7a1e  /usr/local/bin/dwm
raptor /usr/local/bin $ size dvtm
    text   data    bss    dec    hex    filename
    30955  2212  33408    66575  1040f  dvtm
raptor /usr/local/bin $ size monsterwm
    text   data    bss    dec    hex    filename
    17778  1428     72    19278  4b4e   monsterwm
% size /usr/local/bin/w9wm
    text   data     bss     dec     hex filename
    35325  3360     952   39637    9ad5 /usr/local/bin/w9wm
% size /usr/local/bin/evilwm
    text   data     bss     dec     hex filename
    39456  2080     600   42136    a498 /usr/local/bin/evilwm
% size /usr/local/bin/openbox
    text   data     bss     dec     hex filename
    316466 3572    2368  322406   4eb66 /usr/local/bin/openbox
% size /usr/local/bin/ctwm
    text   data     bss     dec     hex filename
    336742 12076    23840  372658   5afb2 /usr/local/bin/ctwm
raptor /usr/bin $ size awesome
    text   data     bss     dec     hex filename
    296570 1984    1832  300386   49562 awesome
Now comparing Memory ressource usage. (in KB)  
mcwm -- the wm 2bwm is based upon  
dvtm -- a terminal multiplexer  
 ~ > ps -eo args,size,vsize,rss,vsize | grep -P "(^mcwm)|(^dvtm)|(^2bwm)|(^monsterwm)|(^dwm)"
 mcwm                          300   2480   668   2480
 2bwm                          300   2552   680   2552
 dwm                           300   5400  1384   5400
 monsterwm                     304   3708  1008   3708
 dvtm                         5624   9656  6256   9656

Notice that all those WM are really small and that size doesn't really matter in the end.

(Someone should write something about the features here)

![yrmt 2bwm](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/098/d/2/_freebsd_and_mcwm_beast__by_ybeastie-d60w2xc.png)

Please read the TODO file.

`Beastie | Youri Mouton + Venam | Patrick Louis`


raw zip tar