
personal fork of the fast floating wm


-*- text -*-

* Don't listen to other actions while in a "MCWM_MOVE", "MCWM_RESIZE" mode

* Extended Window Manager Hints (EWMH)

  - Use the new xcb-ewmh for the EWMH hints.

  I suggest listing least these in _NET_SUPPORTED (* marks


  _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS can be set to the constant WORKSPACES.

* add xbindkeys/xchainkeys

* ignore features (maybe we'll remove the debug)

* Review the whole code for efficiency (software engineering vs algorithm analysis)

* Write a better README.md

* resizing like in monsterwm? no pointer warp and be able to resize the 4 corners

* change the pointer while moving or resizing

* make the resize only draw lines

* the keep aspect ratio with mouse

* little bug while changing workspace and not focusing a window

* simplify the handle keypress function

* configs in a text file, dynamically updated

* Handle new modes on physical outputs. What do we have to do?

* A separate workspace list for every monitor.

* static Makefile problem

* Grab specific keys

  Current code grabs modifier keys and any other keypress. We need to
  specifically grab the keycodes we need. xbindkeys and possibly other
  programs don't work.

  Partially done. Now grabs all our keys unshifted as well as shifted.

* Menu

  We might need a menu for hidden windows. Since I'm probably
  implementing menu windows anyway, perhaps I should add a menu with
  basic window functions, like 9wm and twm. This way, one might use
  the window manager without keyboard, if necessary. Not much work if
  I have to do the menu anyway... But also chords?

  On the other hand, see hidden.c and forthcoming external menu

* Chords

  Maybe have mouse button chords to do move and resize? Configurable
  if on or off?

  Idea from Christian Neukirchen.

* Gaps on borders for docks, status windows et cetera.

  Keep space reserved for Conky, dzen2 et cetera.

  Also respect EWMH hints _NET_WM_TYPE_DOCK and _NET_WM_TYPE_DESKTOP.

* Use xcb-event's event handlers?

* Configuration file.

* Code cleaning

  - Obivous cleanup: The event switch is way too big.

  - The states are known everywhere. A tight state machine would be

  - Dispatch table with function pointers for key bindings instead of

  - Use bitfields instead of extra lists for workspaces?


raw zip tar